Your task is your life


Banji Ayoola

It is wrong to expect the Lord to bless or reward you when you disobey His Will, when you separate yourself from His Guidance and Order, and follow a path chosen arbitrarily by you.

His Guidance as contained in the task He entrusts in you and for which He has endowed you with the gift needed to accomplish. In the loyal performance of which alone lies blessing for you, which alone makes you a useful human being.

Expressed in His Guidance is His Will. His Will is contained in His Guidance. His Guidance bears His Will. And this He conveys to you in His Word, in His specific Charge to you, in Which He gives you the definite direction of your working, of your serving.

The definite direction towards which you should henceforth use the gift He entrusts in you while employing this gift in His service. The definite task you are to perform, that you should henceforth live in. The task you should give your life to.

Not following this Guidance, arbitrarily choosing, and following a path of your own choosing means rebellion against His Will. It means disobedience to His Will as expressed in His Guidance Which works towards maintaining His Order in Creation.

It means being disorderly, cutting yourself off His Order. It means diversion, and straying off the path that streamed out of His Will, which He has lovingly prepared for you laced with rewards. It is disobedience to Him and His Holy Will.

And this has consequences.

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