You are what you eat (1)

Natural Health

By Kayode Oseni

We already know that all the foods we eat are broken down into glucose, amino acids, fats/oils and of course vitamins and minerals; but what most of us don’t care to know is that not everything eatable is food.

Whatever is edible but isn’t food cannot have any benefit for the body, rather such causes untold harm to the body.

Whatever we eat that doesn’t add value to the quality of our blood must not only compromise the blood’s quality, but also causes the body tremendous energy to detoxify and eliminate from the body systems.

This is the same energy that is much needed to put together the amino acids from the proteins we eat to rebuild new cells and tissues, a process necessary for continuous regeneration of body organs and formation of new blood.

A body fed with junks instead of food will not only be lacking in the necessary nutrients and essential building blocks, but also lacks adequate energy. Such a body will have a lowered immunity, a weak blood radiation, lethargic organs, and eventually becomes ravaged by diseases.

In Alternative Healing, we postulate three principles to ensure that the body is adequately nourished through wholesome foods:

  • Eat Varieties: we must not limit our food to just few items all the time.Nature provides generously,and we must not spare any efforts in reaching wide to select from Nature’s menu. Variety, they say, is the spice of life, for as long as these varieties remain as nature gives them to us.
  • Flow With The Seasons : some particular foods are best at certain periods. When in doubt of which foods to eat more at certain periods, check the Nature’s menu. Whatever is topmost on Nature’s list at the particular period, that is, whatever is in season is exactly what the body needs most at that particular period, in that particular location. Therefore more carrots at the season of carrots, more mangoes at the season of mango, and more citrus when oranges, lime, tangerine and lemons are in abundance.
  • The Less Cooking The Better : this rule is applicable to all foods except meat and other sea animal flesh. It is far better to consume more foods in their raw form than in cooked form. A ratio of sixty-five percent raw to thirty-five percent cooked has been found to be good enough. Cooking destroys most of the amino acids,vitamins and minerals in our foods.

Therefore, to remain natural and original, we must eat natural and original foods. Nothing weakens and destroys the body faster than junks and edibles that are no foods.

Dr Kayode Oseni is the Chief Consultant, Alayo Health & Wellness Centre, Adatan, Car Wash, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Phone: 08034170747; Whatsapp: 08092472767

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