By Banji Ayoola
Woman! She, the strongest, psychically, of the two sexes, is the most powerful and the real leader of mankind on earth.
She is the one who determines the fate of humanity on earth by virtue of the sacred task assigned to her by the Creator, and for which she has been richly endowed with unlimited abilities to influence the entire humanity, topmost of which is her delicate intuition.
Linked with this is her Substantiate part, that special equipment which connects her more strongly with Creation. The man lacks this special equipment, which automatically makes the woman more intuitive, more psychically endowed and far seeing than the coarser man and thus automatically makes her the natural leader of mankind.
Thus it is that the woman sees inwardly further than the man. She easily intuitively senses aright what is right or wrong in everything, the true nature of the other person.
By virtue of her natural abilities, she sees what the man cannot see however gifted . By virtue of this, she recognises the true nature of a stranger more easily than the man, and advises accordingly.
Thus it was, for instance, that the wife of Pontius Pilate was able to see the Purity, the innocence radiating out of Jesus when the Master was dragged before him to confirm His sentence, and warned her husband never to have a hand in the plot against the “righteous man.”
The woman’s intuitive sensing is sharp and correct most of the time if not always.
She is the mediator of higher powers from luminous heights extending far distances above to the flaming, Holy Throne of the Most High and Almighty Father onto this earth for the use of entire mankind.
She is thus the crown of this Creation, of this earth and a special gift of the Creator through whom streams of Light flow ceaselessly to lubricate and empower afresh the entire mankind for the God-willed activity of all the human spiritual, all the human beings on earth.
She is thus the bridge to Paradise for the entire humanity through whom flows radiantly the powers and blessings from On High to fructify and ennoble all human activities on earth. She has been specially endowed with delicate gifts, with unlimited possibilities to influence the entire humanity.
Meant to cast her gaze only exclusively upwards towards the luminous heights, towards the Light, towards the Throne of the Almighty Father, from Where she draws constantly extraordinary powers to bless and fructify humanity and the entire earth, woman is one of the greatest gifts of the Creator for this part of Creation. She is thus the Pearl for the entire humanity.
She draws powers from On High and transfers, passes on, or mediates these to the man to help him in his coarser activity and duty, as well as to the entire humanity.
Hers it is to cast her gaze always humbly upwards in loyalty to the Lord exclusively and make herself available always as a pure channel through whom streams of Light flow onto humanity, onto the earth unhindered.
To be meaningful, her life, whether on earth or elsewhere, depends on this activity. She is thus the bridge to the luminous heights, to Paradise, and to the Light for the entire humanity. She is thus a rare blessing to mankind.
In fact, the woman is the bridge that must remain pure always, that must never be damaged, neglected, clogged, overburdened, or overwhelmed with impurities; strange desires, appetites, tastes, self chosen wrong tasks or lust for this or that, which are never part of the sacred task assigned to her by Divine Ordinance.
But it is horrifying today that the woman lusts after poison and corruption as the worst consequence of the great fall when Lucifer deceived and lured the earthly woman away from her main task; when sorrowfully, she fell to the tempter despite the special abilities and gifts lavished on her; when she allowed herself to be torn down from her high, sacred duty post and thus away from her sacred duty; when she allowed herself to turn her back against the Light streams.
A rather sad moment for the entire humanity who, from then onward became starved of the special powers and blessings from luminous heights that were naturally streaming radiantly through the natural woman, the streams of Light that had been flowing radiantly through her.
From then onward, wrongs, errors, and falsehood crept in and Darkness took over the earth. And the earthly woman, now poisoned and corrupted, degraded, downgraded and demoted from her high duty post, became lost to her high task assigned to her by the Creator.
So it was that the unnatural woman diverted her special abilities to self chosen tasks and duties regarded wrongly by her and the society now as sacred contrary to Divine Ordinance.
Principal among these horrors is childbearing, a fake product wrapped in shining, deceptive covers, a dummy sold to the poisoned and corrupted, diverted and demoted woman by Lucifer. The aim was to fan the sexual instinct above everything else and thereby drag humanity further downwards and far away from all true help and salvation, far away from the Light.
So it is that today coquetry or flirtation and shameless sleeping around constitute the business of many, the dominant occupation of humanity on earth.
The end goal was the diversion of humanity on earth away from the Light.
And sadly today the great majority of mankind have been so diverted; to the joy of Lucifer whose goal of inducing the great fall has been fully accomplished.
Sacred as it is, childbearing or motherhood is not the principal task assigned to the woman by the Creator Who lavished her with special gifts apart from her reproductive equipment.
Sorrowfully again, the woman, displaced from her natural duty post and overburdened with strange tastes, appetites and desires, now snaps at this or that to gratify her unnatural appetites.
So it is that the woman of today even drags herself further downward to rub shoulders with the coarser man in his element, to place herself beside him in his own assigned area of masculine activity; for instance in the struggle for political power in the public space or arena.
She now imitates the man in his coarseness, dressing, fashion craze, speaking, sport, smoking, drinking, violence, crime and kindred other aberrations being indulged today by the modern man. She craves acceptance by the man.
She wants to acquire and wield political power. She wants to mount the rostrum to campaign for political power. She wants to parade herself in public and thereby expose her delicate nature further to ridicule and ruin.
Through her longing to compete for political power, for public life, the woman abandons her higher, sacred feminine activity, her sacred duty of drawing or receiving special powers from the luminous heights and passing on or mediating these to the needy coarser man and the entire earth.
She thus throws away her high, sacred duty assigned to her by the Creator by virtue of her delicate nature, which makes her closer to the Light than the man. Indeed through these diversions, she cuts herself off her principal task on earth and in the entire Creation.
She thus represses her delicate nature which serves as the bridge to the luminous heights, to Paradise, to the Light for the entire humanity. And the entire human race suffers for these wrongful diversions by the woman.
So it is that any society that favours, encourages and condones this aberration, where the woman longs for and grabs unnatural tasks or duties such as political power, even if forcefully acquired through the man-made law or constitution, is sentenced to slow extinction. This is a crime, a transgression, and indeed a coup against Divine Ordinance.
The sacred office of the earth woman is the home and hearth where, with her special abilities, she is the Queen. From here, the quiet intimate home, she exercises the greatest power over the man, children and family. And from here her natural power, which is peculiar only to her, extends to influence her entire people.
Thus from her home and natural office, the woman controls her family, society, country, continent and indeed the whole world. She is thus the natural leader and ruler of mankind, the Queen having her seat in the home from where she reigns and rules her family, people, country, continent, the entire humanity, and indeed the whole world.
In truth, the woman who stands aright, can silently influence and command the entire humanity from the home and the hearth.
It is comforting that the new, true woman of the future, who will arise out of the ashes of the horrors prevailing everywhere on earth today, will turn back from the depth into which she had dragged humanity in the crumbling, regrettable period of Sodom and Gomorrah, which has prevailed over thousands of years on earth, to honour the sacred task originally assigned to womanhood by the Creator.
She will, in future, dutifully live in and faithfully carry out the sacred duty assigned to her by the Lord and for which she has been richly lavished with special gifts.
The ongoing compulsory collapse of everything that is old, that is wrong everywhere on earth is intensifying.
At the same time, the dawn of the new future has already broken, in which only what swings purely in the Natural Laws, Which express the Holy Will of the Almighty Father, shall be permitted to exist on earth; when humanity will be permitted to live in His Kingdom on earth, through which shall flourish harmony, radiant joy, happiness and deep peace.