Why ties are dangerous


By Banji Ayoola

Ties hold the danger of teaching, encouraging, misleading or luring one to open oneself to wrong, calculating, selfish, dense, dark, evil and harmful influences of the other person.

Rather than the healthy, helpful, pure, beneficial, ennobling and uplifting influences, examples, counsel or guidance, that will urge one to save oneself and follow the right path of ascent towards the Light.

Rather than be guided always by the helping admonition that man must strive to be independent in all things, without relying on the volition, thoughts, words opinions, views or deeds of the other person, as foundation or determinant of his own activity.

Rather than stand confidently and prayerfully to discover personal innate gifts and talents, and use these ones to loyally serve.

Of course, it is normal to ask for and give help when and where necessary. But it is wrong to bind or tie oneself to the other person for whatever reason.

The man or woman who depends on another person for favours, advise or whatever needs earthly or spiritual, is indolently and irresponsibly bypassing, neglecting or suppressing the wonderful gifts of the Lord which lie dormant within him or her. Sadly he or she allows the gifts and talents to idle away, and in most cases atrophy while clinging to, building and nourishing ties.

He or she lives under the usually wrong influence and calculations of the other person, as the slave of the other person.

That is not why men and women are individually endowed with peculiar talents for personal development here on earth, why special gifts are splashed on all alike despite status.

The greatest danger here is that ties hold the likelihood and certain possibility of diverting one from the true path, from one’s purpose on earth, from following one’s conviction of the Holy Will here on earth. And thus from liberation from the clutches of the sinking Darkness, and from striving towards the Light.

This is the worst danger that in the end renders such an earth-life a waste. Contrary to the loving Divine Will, Which lavishes all human beings alike with tremendous personal gifts.

Which only need to be unearthed, recognised and developed personally, to enable one soar aloft responsibly joyfully in this beautiful Creation of the Lord, while observing all the Natural Laws as obedient children.

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