By Banji Ayoola
It is sad that mankind have been living most irresponsibly on earth. We have separated and distanced ourselves from our true helpers and best friends. We have foolishly in our pseudo knowledge, arrogance and conceit, cut ourselves off from the Only Source of all powers. And this is the origin of all the problems afflicting us on earth today.
The earthly wealth, and particularly the fabulous material wealth splashed on and entrusted in many countries and individuals, we have used most irresponsibly. To manufacture and amass dangerous weapons of mass destruction; to destroy our fellow human beings, ourselves, poison, damage and destroy the earth itself. We quarrel and fight endlessly, even worse than animals. Rather than use the material endowments, resources and wealth with which the earth is blessed to develop, up-build and ennoble the earth and our fellow human beings, we divert these gifts towards selfish and destructive purposes. Rather than use wealth as means, tool and source of joy, happiness, peace and love, we have turned this gift to a source of sorrow for many.
We use wealth to fund hostilities, insurgencies, strife, mass murder, massacre, genocide and crisis; to fund wrong activities; to produce toxins and radiations which harm and destroy human beings, animals, plants and other beings on earth; which endanger and ruin the earth; which threaten to make life on earth impossible; contrary to the great expectation.The fabulous wealth of richly-endowed nations on earth for instance, has over the years, been used wrongly to care mainly for a privileged few instead of all.We have even extended our destructive activities beyond the earth into space, turning the space into another battlefield to launch satellites for wrong purposes, as an annex of competing and hostile industrial-military complexes on earth. And in this process, we needlessly probe into, and agitate an environment beyond our knowledge, comprehensive abilities and power of control; to call forth and unleash on the earth hitherto unknown dangers; needlessly.By this wrong, the earth has been increasingly exposed to harm from unknown sources. In consequence, many strange sicknesses defying all known treatments or therapies, afflicting us today, are on the increase. Today’s global economic and financial crisis afflicting all countries on earth, resulting from the crash in the world capital and stock market, is an inevitable consequence of the wrong and irresponsible way we had hitherto lived on earth.The pervasive individual, collective and corporate greed, selfishness, covetousness, envy and lack of consideration or feeling for others, which today generally characterise interpersonal, inter-corporate and international relationships on earth, as they have done for millennia, cannot but lead to the current chaos, confusion and monumental crisis afflicting mankind.And when one adds the alarming distortion and mutilation of all the pure Teachings which have been afforded mankind several times in the past, into the various conflicting and confusing sects and beliefs existing on earth today, which are endlessly violently disputing and quarrelling among and even within themselves, one who is inwardly astir a bit, will be terribly shocked at the magnitude of our sins over time; and surprisingly on the other hand the great inconceivable mercy that has been shown us over and over again in the past.Regrettably, we have spurned every preparation sent from the Light to help us; preparation designed only for our welfare, peace, joy and happiness.Therefore, man must be forcefully restrained, grounded and stopped from causing further harm to himself, from further poisoning and endangering the earth, in his own interest.He has to be stripped of all the opportunities, which he had used wrongly in the past. Thus, his material wealth with which he had in the past wreaked irreparable havoc on the entire earth, with which he had terrorised the earth and all its inhabitants, must be withdrawn from him; until he comes to a better recognition that he must be responsible with whatever opportunities granted him.Or in some regrettable circumstances, he must be mercilessly torn away and withdrawn from his supposed material wealth and other earthly opportunities to inflict terror.Thus, for instance, the swiftly tumbling prices of oil in the international market has its real explanation in the aforementioned inevitable natural consequences of earlier individual, collective and corporate wrongs perpetrated by leaders and followers alike, by all mankind.In the first place, to what ends had the fabulous wealth successively earned over the years from sales of the endowed countries’ material resources been used? In virtually all cases, what could be shown for the humongous earnings over the years from proceeds from these material endowments?In the main, income from earthly material resources or wealth splashed on some nations and individuals, and lovingly provided for the joy and happiness of the entire human race, has been used to fuel crisis, murders, killings, genocide, pogrom, anarchy, chaos and confusion across borders; to pursue and enforce selfish interests across borders; contrary to expectation.But the influence which all material wealth had hitherto commanded on earth will crash. Money will lose its power and position, which we worship on earth today. This is happening already; and this would intensify in the coming years.Everything which bars mankind away, which barricades us away, the hard casing with which we had imprisoned, separated and distanced ourselves from the Light, from the Lord, will be crushed. As it is for all material wealth, so would it be for all other forms of earthly opportunities.Everything which is wrong will collapse and become new as it is happening already everywhere on earth. Man must be, and is being deprived of all opportunities to ruin himself and the earth. These opportunities will be, and are being withdrawn already everywhere on earth.Privileges that have been used wrongly will be withdrawn. It is either the opportunities are withdrawn or the human beings endowed with them who still choose to live in the old, despite the glaring signs and loud trumpets heralding the new dawn, would be painfully gripped.Is it not then an act of great love if for a while, material wealth which grants unlimited opportunities for committing these various crimes and aberrations, and inflicting sorrows which we now see everywhere on earth, is withdrawn; if we are deprived temporarily from the opportunities to perpetrate further wrongs and burden ourselves; and are thus compelled to learn painfully how to be responsible with opportunities and power entrusted in us.Until such a time when we will have grown to the recognition of the need to use everything placed at our disposal, or entrusted in us to the benefit, joy, peace and happiness of our neighbours, of all human beings, the entire earth and Creation, in harmony with all the Natural Laws, to the Honour and Glory of the Lord alone.Certainly man can no longer be permitted to live irresponsibly on earth as he had done hitherto. He must be stopped from causing further harm.So, the distress virtually everywhere on earth today is speedily pushing and leading the entire mankind to a long awaited new era which would swing purely in new Laws outside the control of man.It is sad that man has become a danger to himself, his neighbours and environment; to the earth and the entire Creation. Therefore, he must be forcefully restrained from causing further damage, from causing further catastrophes.Hence the unusual times in which we stand, during which everything which we, in our thoughts, words and deeds have wrongly formed, touched or distorted; our erroneous opinions, ideas, institutions and everything else, everything on earth which does not swing in the true Laws and love would be forcefully corrected or mercilessly gripped, crushed and swept out of Creation; for they caused only disturbance and harm.The connection of mankind on earth with true help would be re-established. The earth would gradually transform into a new realm flourishing in harmony, love and peace; where all human beings who are permitted existence therein would jubilantly and gratefully live to the joy, happiness and welfare of his or her neighbours and everybody on earth; where everyone would genuinely freely give, and in return receive joy lavishly from fellow human beings.Banji Ayoola44People Reached1EngagementBoost Post


