Why I agreed to defend Baba Ijesha in court — Babatunde Ogala, SAN


Babatunde Ogala, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and a former member of the Lagos State House of Assembly, is the principal partner at Babatunde Ogala and Co. In this interview, he speaks about his resolve to defend popular actor, Baba Ijesha in court over a sex scandal, his life and career in politics and law, among other issues.

As the principal partner at Babatunde Ogala and Co, what are your duties?

As the principal counsel, my duty is pretty clear. I am the chief executive of the firm on whose table the buck stops. I see to the day to day administration of our offices in Lagos and Abuja. Of course, I’m also the chief marketing officer, the chief administrative officer, the chief intellectual, the chief researcher, and the financier. And of course, the lead counsel in every matter.

What are some of the peculiar challenges that come with running a law chamber?

As I said, the buck stops with me and no matter how many departments you have or how much you try to compartmentalise the practice, you are still the one who should have a better view of everything. One of the major challenges is having those who you have delegated responsibilities to ensuring that they’re also on the same page and on the same speed with you and appreciate exactly what is expected. You also have the challenge of the clients. Every client believes it is you, the principal, that he has briefed and expects you to give everything. Of course we must give personal touches and the client also expects you to be present at every turn – even if it is to take date. There is also the challenge, especially on expectations. Society has some expectations, especially on one who is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. There is also expectation from your colleagues, who look up to you. There are high expectations even from the courts.

Being a SAN, the client believes you know everything about the law. The court also expects you, as an officer of the court, to be the chief researcher and you would be able to guide the court. There are also expectations from your colleagues at work because you are the one they look up to. At every point, they expect you to be much ahead. They expect you to be a balancing influence; cater to not just their financial needs in terms of remuneration, their welfare, and even sometimes, their emotional needs. You come to work and see your staff not looking too good. You need to know when to be firm, when to be diplomatic and when to sometimes bend the rules.

How do you balance all these?

Balancing all of it is bringing in one’s experience gained over the years. I also learnt from some principles. Over time, I have garnered the experience. With all of this, you put together and try to apply. It is not easy. You have to manage clients, and there is no ‘small’ client. Once you take the brief, they are as big as any other client, which gives them a feeling of importance and they expect the highest quality of service, because whatever he is paying you is a lot to him. Even when you do pro bono, the expectations are also very high because somebody has also invested his faith in your hands. So, you have to bring on experience, look at some management books you have read, some management lessons you have learnt and the grace of God too.

In what ways do you employ technological innovations in running the firm?

In our office, we have tried very hard to go paperless as much as we can. We have offices in Lagos and Abuja, but we run one system. We have constant correspondence. We deploy all manner of technology we can find available. Of course, deploying technology in this modern age is inevitable. Other than, myself, I am not sure anybody in this office still does longhand writing. Part of what we deploy is an intranet system. With the intranet, I could be reading what another person is doing and vice versa. That is the way to go now; there is not much of a choice. We have a rich paper library, as well as a rich electronic library, all for research purposes. We also do multimedia. We have inbuilt speakers for our presentations.

Some people say that lawyers rarely make good managers of men and resources. What’s your reaction to that?

They might be wrong because you may not be able to do it alone. Therefore, you must delegate certain parts. That is why in modern practices, you have practice managers, accounts department and administrative officers, who can handle the practice. For instance, I don’t even handle the (company’s) cheque book. I am just a signature authority. My duty is to approve and make sure the money comes.

However, I think some of the best governors and administrators we have had in this country are lawyers. We have people like Babatunde Fashola (a former Lagos State governor), Rotimi Akeredolu (Ondo State governor), Donald Duke (a former Cross River State governor), Nyesom Wike (Rivers State governor), Godswill Akpabio (a former Akwa Ibom State governor) are all lawyers. The Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, is also a lawyer. Would you say those people are not good managers? They are lawyers who practised law. It is their knowledge of the law and management that they have brought to bear in the governance of their various public offices, where they have been entrusted with the responsibilities of governance.

The current government has often been accused of not obeying court orders and judgments. What implications do you think this has for the rule of law in the country?

If you don’t obey court orders, that is clearly in breach of the rule of law. However, I don’t agree with that blanket assertion. For those who have often said that, the question I have often asked them is, “Please, give me instances.” They would mention Ibraheem El-Zakzaky and perhaps, Sambo Dasuki. That there are glitches here and there does not mean the government does not obey court orders. That is political talk. I am more into specifics but I’m not playing politics here. If you say a government ‘does not’ obey court orders, it means it has total disdain for the law. When there is a disobedience of orders of court, that is a total breakdown of the rule of law. So, I don’t agree when they say the government does not obey court orders. In the instances where court orders are not obeyed, there are remedies for those who have obtained such orders. In law, when there is an order of court, not obeying it is contempt in itself. It is not enough that we just tell the whole world, “Oh, they don’t obey court orders.” I always ask, “Tell me specifically which orders were not obeyed?” And more often than not, I don’t get any response. In Dasuki’s case, for instance, they forget to realise that as of that time, he was facing multiple charges in different courts. So, a particular court could say he should be released, while another one says he should be remanded. Disobedience of court order is trampling on the Constitution and the rule of law. But, I do not believe it is as bad as you would want to portray to the public.

What are some of the notable cases you regard as milestones in your legal career?

I have handled cases across all facets in the last 36 or so years of practice, from those with serious constitutional considerations. For instance, I have handled some on fundamental rights of some persons against the Lagos State Government, and we got judgement. We have handled political and election matters, commercial law matters, and family law issues. A significant one is a divorce matter that we filed on behalf of a client, while he and his wife were still living together. We were able to convince the court that they were actually just living in the same house but the marriage had broken down irretrievably. There is a rule that says, couples seeking divorce should live apart for two years and we were able to convince the court that even in the same house, they had lived apart. So, those are some significant matters.

We have also handled some serious criminal issues that have been of significance. I can’t really place my hand on any particular matter because in all my cases, no one is considered less important than the others. Each one gets the same kind of attention, and they all give me fulfilment and satisfaction.

A school of thought believes that the activities of the judiciary should be totally computerised as obtained in other climes. What do you think about that?

That is absolutely correct. If I am deploying technology in my office, it would be my wish to be able to file my process from my desk. It would be my wish for me to sit down here (in the office) and argue my cases. But again, for those who make comparisons, we should compare light with light. You don’t just go and pick what is happening in America and imagine it should be the same here, when we don’t have the infrastructure or mentality. Technology deployment in the judicial system means we must have very good infrastructure. And we are not even talking about the Internet. We must have the funds and manpower. Considering where we are coming from, we have made some progress. But more often than not, we take it for granted. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, some courts had to start sitting online. Judgements were delivered electronically through online platforms. In fact, the trials were being held and motions were being argued. At a time in Lagos, judges wrote in longhand. But, I doubt if there is any judge in Lagos today that does not use the computer now. I know a lot of judges now read their judgement from the laptop. Today, we have assistants who do auto recording of proceedings. As you are making your submissions, it is being recorded, which is now later transcribed and filtered. So we are gradually getting there. We are not where we ought to be but there is no doubt that with technology, things would get better. A lot of lawyers use electronic libraries. I have my electronic law reports on the phone and other digital devices. Right at the click of a button, I know I can get the authority I want. That is also what obtains for the judges. In Lagos, there is e-filing and they upload immediately. However, we are not where we ought to be.

What are some of the changes you would like to see in the judiciary?

One of them is deploying technology to the fullest. But, that depends on the infrastructure available, such as electricity and Internet penetration. If a judge wants to preside over a case online in his office, and I’m (as a lawyer) also in my office, if the judge’s connectivity is good, what about mine? Then, if we say we want to do electronic filing, do we have the capacity of the 5G to carry the volume? Can we cope with the traffic? Like I said, we are still not where we ought to be but we are making progress slowly and steadily. Today, things like court processes and hearing dates are communicated to lawyers electronically. It is no longer done on paper.

The other change is funding because everything boils down to money—the welfare of the judges, the technical manpower support they need, judicial assistants, and up-to-date libraries. Their remuneration and welfare, even protection during their tenure are also issues that need to be looked into. If we get all that, we would have a motivated judiciary. We would also have good support staff, because no matter how good a judge is, if they don’t have good support staff, it would amount to nothing.

What can you recall of your first time in court?

I recall my first appearance alone. Usually, when you get into practice, your seniors would lead you and then gradually, they would tell you to handle simple tasks such as taking dates and adjournments. But, I recall one day that I was sent to court all alone and in faraway Onitsha (Anambra State) from Lagos. I strutted to the court feeling like a lawyer. When I got there, the counsel on the other side was the ‘almighty’ Chief Eze Ikeazu (SAN), and then, there were less than 15 SANs in Nigeria. A little bit of stage fright set in. But, God bless the presiding judge, he noticed and encouraged me, saying, “Young man, move your motion.” He protected me and the ruling went in my favour. That gave me a lot of confidence. Another experience I had was perhaps one of the first trials I had to conduct. Again, on the other side was the ‘almighty’ Chief GOK Ajayi (SAN). He is late now. God bless the memory of Chief Justice Obamaja, who was the presiding judge. He did a lot of the work for me, gave me confidence and the rest, they say, is history.

As a senior lawyer, what motivated you to take up the case of Baba Ijesha, an actor accused of child molestation?

Baba Ijesha’s case is just another case. There is no extra motivation, other than the fact that I was consulted. The court doesn’t see your status, neither do I. What I see is the law. I was consulted and I looked at the case. I thought we could do something to help expound the law, and that’s it. Don’t forget that the man, even as we speak, is presumed to be innocent until otherwise proven. We are just waiting for the prosecution to prove their case and then we will also state the law to say why he has not done what they alleged he did.

Some people are of the belief that lawyers shouldn’t represent clients that they know are guilty. What’s your take on that?

Only the court can pronounce anybody guilty, not a lawyer. The lawyer’s role is to help see justice done. Even if a man is caught killing somebody and he goes to court and he pleads not guilty, the law says you must enter a plea of not guilty for him. Even when he pleads guilty, the court would call on the prosecution to prove the case. So, the fact that the man pleads guilty and you have no facts to prove the commission of the offence, despite his pleading guilty, he (the suspect) would likely go home free. In the light of that, who am I to say such a man is guilty. Even when the man himself says, “I am guilty”, the prosecution must still prove its case. It is not just by words of mouth; it is the law that you must follow.

What do you consider to be the highlights of your time as a member of the Lagos State House of Assembly?

I think I did my best. It was said that one was one of the best lawmakers that passed through those hallowed chambers– at least so they said when we were leaving. Those were the testimonies of colleagues, the media and observers. But beyond that, my greatest legacies in the House were the radical steps we took. I am proud to have been a part of the reform of our criminal laws. Lagos was the first state to enact a criminal law as distinct from the old criminal law that everybody had carried over from the colonial era. I am also proud to have been part the people-oriented tenancy law of Lagos State, which was a very radical step. Others were the Coroner’s Law, and the Partnership Laws of Lagos State. All these were things that fell directly under my supervision as the Chairman of the House Committee on Judiciary. There are quite a few, but those were major ones that I feel very proud to be part of. Recently, somebody who has been doing some research on the issue of community service as provided in the administration of criminal justice law, still sought me out to seek my views, 10 years after I left the House. Till now, I still feel proud when people see me and they identify me with the tenancy law of Lagos State.

What were the biggest lessons you learnt in your time at the LAHA?

The usual lessons you learn in politics – backbiting and falsehood. But above all, I gained a lot of knowledge. Despite going in there as a senior lawyer having spent close to 25 years in the practice, it was like another school in the business of lawmaking. Today, I get invited to train legislators, both locally and internationally. I have developed modules for a few states in Nigeria. I have also been invited outside the country to speak. I am a member of the National Council of State Legislators in the United States of America. Another lesson is budgetary process because we ran budget circles and those things were debated. I understood better the concept of appropriation, contrary to what a lot of people say about budgeting appropriation. It exposed me to knowledge and I took advantage of it. I went to the World Bank for training on public procurement and fiscal responsibility. It opened my eyes to a lot of other areas. The lessons are humongous. If not, I would have been narrowed down to law. A lot of people think legislature is just about lawmaking alone. No, it is far beyond that.

Are you still interested in running for political office?

I have not given a thought to that for now. But, you never can tell.

The All Progressives Congress seems to be in a conundrum as regards the appointment of a sitting governor as the chairman of the party’s caretaker committee. What do you think is the way forward?

My views are public knowledge and they seem to be the popular one. Like I said in my advisory, it is rare for such big decisions. The Supreme Court gave us a hint through the minority decision and a wink through the majority decision. Why do I say that? The issue in that matter that caused that split decision was the constitutionality of a serving governor holding an executive position, and if so, it is asked, can they be said to be bigger? The minority says ‘yes’, which is a total disobedience of even the APC constitution and as such, they voided the elections. The majority, on the other hand, in my opinion, did not disagree. Justice Emmanule Agim who read the lead judgement said, however, that Mai Buni had become an issue in this matter and since any decision, one way or the other, may affect him, he ought to have been joined. Failure to have joined him means necessary parties were not before the court and we cannot determine the issue in his absence. So, while the minority determined the issue, the majority did not. They did not disagree with the minority. In fact, in my opinion, they agreed. But we cannot go further because if you are saying a man has done something that is unconstitutional, it could even lead to breaches, to impeachment proceedings against him by the state house of assembly. The Supreme Court could even remove him, so it had to be heard. And rightly so, the majority said that. So it is a cliffhanger.

I have even gone further to look at section 222-223 of the Constitution, which provides like in Section 7 of the Constitution, on local governments, that only a democratically elected leadership can lead a political party. That is not the case today. If mistakes have been made, we should swallow our pride, drop our egos, and correct our mistakes. That is my own opinion and that is what I advise the party, which majority of the party (hierarchy) at the highest level seem to agree that we could correct the mistakes we seem to have made. We are going back to where we were before this mistake was made.

As a Fellow of the Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria, what exactly do you do?

Insolvency entails business management turnaround and receivership. When they say something is insolvent, it means it is shaky. If a business is insolvent, it is on shaky grounds. As insolvency practitioners, we are also turnaround managers. If a business cannot survive, we can help it go down without necessarily incurring losses. If it can be revived, we can turn it around, either as turnaround managers or receiver managers. Debt recovery is insolvency. Bankruptcy and winding up are insolvency practices. Our experience in that is why we were made Fellows.

You are also a member of The Global Insolvency Association. What does the association do and what are your contributions to it?

It is the global body regulating insolvency practice all over the world while BREPAN is the one for Nigeria. Being a council member speaks volumes. My contributions include management of the body’s participation, contribution in various aspects of insolvency practice, sharing knowledge, and propagating. For instance, we played a significant role as a member of the committee of the Company and Allied Matters Act. We are also working very hard on a new insolvency law for the country. We had a bankruptcy law which is not all-encompassing and not as detailed as it ought to be. The practice of insolvency, like every other thing, keeps expanding. There are new areas but we have laws that have been around for 40 years and are becoming obsolete.

You worked on the acquisition of the Federal Palace Hotels. What were your takeaways from that deal?

It is a very old deal and we have done so many deals after that. It was a business buy-over. Ikeja Hotels Limited bought over Federal Palace Hotel, which was going down at the time. It was in the process of privatisation of public institutions. As a capital market consultant, we put together capital, and during the technical aspect and setting the legal framework for the takeover, we put together the necessary documentation, offering advisory services, due diligence, and managing the legal process.

How would you describe your childhood?

I was from an upper middle-class family and I had a privileged childhood. I was privileged to go to some of the best schools at the time— Holy Cross School, and St. George’s College (both in Lagos). I had a father who could afford to provide his children with the best of a lot of things. He often took us on vacation overseas. I also had a very tough and disciplined childhood. We grew up in an environment where integrity was espoused. We grew up in an environment where there was a lot of value on education and less on material things. However, I lost my parents quite early in life. I was 10 years old when my mother died and my father passed on when I was 20 years old, while I was in the university.

What were your childhood ambitions?

My childhood ambition was to make the best out of my life, at least at the time I started developing ambition. You can wish to be something but it is different from being an ambition. But from the age when I could set goals, I determined when I wanted to really do things. And, I have tried very hard to think of what else I could have being other than a lawyer, the only alternative was to be in mass communication. Those were the only two courses I was thinking of.

The Punch

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