Who owns the material wealth on earth?


By Banji Ayoola

Money, land, properties? The earth and the fullness therein? Who do they belong to? Man? Does man have claim to any material wealth, any earthly riches at all?

When at death, any wealthy or rich man so called, abandons his supposed wealth, money, properties and all, to his inheritors, who often quarrel bitterly over their inheritance, the properties originally entrusted to another man, properties of another man, their departed benefactor. Who through death, has been separated from his supposed wealth.

Even they, the inheritors of this wealth, will one day, one by one, separate or be separated from their inherited wealth. So also generations upon generations of subsequent inheritors.

All will one day be separated from our supposed earthly wealth and riches. We will one day leave everything material behind.

For who?

And these material wealth reverts to the real Owner, Who distributes or entrusts wealth to whoever is deserving of it strictly in accordance with His Laws. In accordance with His Holy Will.

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