By Dr. Bidemi Ojeleye
Honey is nothing but a panacea for the body, due to its high content of antioxidants, immune-boosting properties, and healing and infection-fighting properties.
Honey is what every one of us should consume every day.
It can also be a great calorie intake if you want to lose weight without giving up sugar!
However, to get the most out of it, the quality of this superfood needs to be pure. Please beware of the many fake honeys in town as they may not be as safe as you think. So, your eyes should shine.
Most people living a healthy lifestyle today tend to use natural products as supplements, complementary or alternative medicine.
Honey is a precious gift given by God to man. Honey has been highly valued and widely used since ancient times due to its high nutritional and therapeutic value.
It is also known to increase fertility.
In recent decades, honey’s important role in modern medicine has been recognized through a large amount of compelling evidence from extensive laboratory and clinical studies.
Honey has a very complex chemical and bio-composition consisting of various basic bioactive compounds, enzymes, amino acids and organic acids, acid phosphorylases, phytochemicals, carotenoid-like substances, vitamins, and minerals.
Do you know why women need to have honey daily?
Women often suffer from hormonal imbalances due to an imbalance in testosterone levels, which has long-term consequences for reproductive health.
Daily consumption of honey balances testosterone levels, improves reproductive health, reduces mood swings, and promotes hormonal balance.
This sweet golden nectar is believed to have existed as far back as 500 BC. It was used as a stimulant when the Greek philosopher and father of modern medicine Hippocrates prescribed it to increase sexual energy.
Since honey is classified as food among foods, a drink among drinks, and medicine among medicines, it can be used alone or mixed with other medicinal herbs to treat illnesses.
Hippocrates also recommended honey mixed with ginger and pepper to treat erectile dysfunction.
Proponents of honey as an aphrodisiac for men tend to point to the presence of boron and B vitamins in honey. Honey contains boron, a trace element used to strengthen bones and improve muscle coordination.
Studies have shown that just 2 tablespoons of honey can significantly increase blood levels of nitric oxide, in addition to preventing cardiovascular disease and improving athletic performance. Nitric oxide is also the chemical behind penile erections. During physical activity and arousal, the release of nitric oxide from the lining of blood vessels increases blood flow. This is probably why many homeopaths recommend ginger and honey for erectile dysfunction.
Nitric oxide is also the chemical behind penile erections. During physical activity and arousal, the release of nitric oxide from the lining of blood vessels increases blood flow. This is probably why many homeopaths recommend ginger and honey for erectile dysfunction.
Honey is also rich in a chemical called chrysin. Like boron, chrysin blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Studies show that this can lead to a short-term increase in testosterone levels.
Consuming a tablespoon of honey will release 17 grams of carbohydrates into the body’s metabolism Also, pure honey is rich in vitamin B2 (known as riboflavin) and vitamin B1 (thiamine), both of which help fuel the body by turning carbohydrates into sugar. plasma. This helps balance hormones.
Remember that honey is metabolized in the same way as sugar, so its amount consumed will affect the blood sugar in the body system.
- Dr. Bidemi Ojeleye is the Founder/Coordinating Director of the Centre for Bee Research & Development (CEBRAD), and the Chief Servant of Tropicalbee Honey, Ile Ife, Osun State.