Who do you serve?


By Banji Ayoola

Today, mankind on earth are in need of joy, peace and harmony in place of the grief and sorrow being experienced almost everywhere on a daily basis.

People generally are going through agonies. Economic and social problems are on the rise throwing many families into distress. Many marriages are breaking down. Crime is on the increase. Anger and hatred flare up easily among human beings. Murder, killings and sudden deaths are being witnessed at an alarming rate.

Road and air crashes are becoming too frequent. Volcanic eruptions, weather catastrophes, flood, fire and other natural disasters are multiplying. Strange ailments that seemingly defy known cure are afflicting peoples across frontiers. Mankind are witnessing bizarre happenings in dimensions never witnessed in history until now.

All these among others plunge the world into further chaos and confusion forcing people to run here and there desperately seeking solution. Despite all these and other frightening incidents before which all earthly powers are powerless and incompetent, there is a general sensing that idolatry is wrong.

Amid this confusion, we see idolaters as idol worshipers and those who do not profess faith in the One Almighty Father and Most High. Their idols are their gods which they worship and revere above everything else. So we believed.

But contrary to this belief, anything which man considers uppermost in his life is his god.

Sadly, there are not many men who do not revere money and who have not made its acquisition and that of material wealth their ultimate goal on earth. We also find many men and women who lust for power, position, influence and pleasure, wife, husband or child, for this or any other human being, man or woman. The general love for these and other gods supersedes, indeed eclipses that for the Creator the Only One despite the professed faith in Him. Still, many cling to these false gods, these golden calves; and this has been so for millions of years.

Who is that man on earth today that truly has no other gods but the Almighty Father?

Where is the man who is ready to place his love for, and worship of the Lord his Creator above personal desires for material wealth, women, children, friends, enjoyment, fame, distinction, power and influence or everything else? The man who truly reveres the Lord and is ready to seek and comply with His Laws expressing His Will?

Yet, the clear demand is that man shall worship only his Creator in volition, thoughts, words and deeds, in all his activities as the only guarantee for unhindered peace, joy and happiness here on earth.

It is now time for every individual to sit alone quietly and examine him or her self and honestly ask: “Who do I serve?”

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