What is the mark of the beast?

Columnists Eliminating Viruses From The Earth Spiritual Activism

By Samueli

Will the prophetic number 666 or mark of the beast be given to the approximately 7.77 billion earth dwellers by lining them up in the sun, snow, wind and rain, day and night to take a mark on their arms and foreheads? Will the Antichrist or the beast capture men by implanting some radio-frequency identification microchip in them? Will some technology, telecoms network or vaccine suddenly bring about the mark of the beast on men?

In 2009, before WhatsApp and other social media applications became major news carriers, an email went viral regarding an alleged plan by the Barack Obama – led United States government to have microchips implanted in citizens by law! Some thought then that Obama was fulfilling the 666 prophecy! Now, Bill Gates, an American software developer and investor is being touted as the man planning to use microchip implants to fight the coronavirus thus cleverly fulfilling a dreadful apocalyptic prophecy!

But what really is the mark of the beast?

When mankind succumbed to Lucifer’s temptation to rely more on the intellectual brain, man neglected the tool provided for him to receive spiritual impressions, which is the cerebellum.

This over-reliance on the intellect eventually became the hereditary sin, because the one-sided development of the frontal brain was in the course of time passed on to each child as inheritance right from birth.

Thus, the cerebrum grew to become what is known now as the big brain and the cerebellum became stunted and became the small brain of today.

This large brain and small brain thus created a ‘physical mark’ on man’s body which is not ordained by God, but came about as a result of temptation out of the Darkness.

Leaving all decisions to the earthly intellect appears beautiful; but it is a destructive implement of Lucifer, which makes man behave selfishly, harmfully and imposing his self-will upon others.

It brought corruption, malice, murders, wars and all the evil prevalent in the world today. It also means thinking of only material gains and benefits and thinking less, if at all, of the spiritual and God’s Will.

In fact, the man of intellect is spiritually deaf and cannot understand spiritual messages. The domination of the intellect and the enthronement of materialism makes life on earth really difficult for a person who refuses to live and work (buy and sell) in the unconscionable and corrupt way of the worldly slaves of the intellect, who are currently in the majority.

This is the repercussion of the over cultivation of our intellect which we nurtured till it grew into a monstrous beast that now endangers us, and deals decisively and wickedly with anyone who refuses to bow to it.

Man’s overbearing intellect is the ambitious beast and its mark is the large brain and small brain men bear in their physical bodies!

That we are still thinking that the mark of the beast is the implanting of microchips in humans, and that another fellow man and slave of the intellect is the Antichrist, only shows that we are still under the deception of the beast, our intellect.

A follower of the beast, the intellect, is described in the scripture as a man who is ruled by the flesh and who does works of the flesh. Such a person cannot see the deep spiritual concepts or anything pertaining to God. All that matters to people like this is vanity, love of ease, sordid sensuality, greed and all things similar.

However, the question that faces each and every one of us at this critical moment is how we stand inside. Are we tired of being a slave to our intellect? Do we wish to know the Laws of God and live accordingly thereby freeing ourselves from the bondage of the intellect? These are the real questions before us.

What we need to do now is to recognise in all seriousness that through our preference for intellectual cleverness, as against the guidance of our spirit, we all have been in the deceptive but dangerous embrace of the beast and the Antichrist all the while without even realising it.

We have to resolve to tear ourselves away from this grip. No matter how painful it may be, we must wrench ourselves from the hands of the beast which is opposed to anything spiritual and of God.

We will be able to do this by accepting the mercy, salvation and redemption offered by the Almighty in His Holy Word. This is now given to us anew at this time on Earth in a Book of Truth that states and explains the Laws of God with all clarity and without gaps.

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