By Banji Ayoola
However clever all murderers and evil doers may think they are, the Laws, I mean the Natural Laws, the Laws of the Almighty Father, Which are perfect, incorruptible and just, will catch up with them and whoever tramples on Them, in whatever form or under whatever guise and pretence.
These Laws are otherwise known as the Divine Laws.
The moment anyone violates any of These Laws, Which are not the same as our impeachable, imperfect earthly human laws, he is already irrevocably entangled in the outworking of the Natural Laws.
And naturally, he must face the consequences, atone for his wrongs and change for the better before mercifully, he could be forgiven, and could move ahead.
Though we may seek remedy against injustice in the earthly court: and the culprit may cleverly evade detection or punishment, this is not the case with the perfect Natural Laws. They work automatically and incorruptibly to the finest speck.
Hence, there is no need for us human beings to curse any evil doer, or whoever treats us unjustly. For, by violating any of the Natural Laws, he has already automatically interwoven himself in the consequences, in the definite reciprocal actions. Which must come!
These Natural Laws work on quietly, efficiently and accurately. They are flawless. They record everything. They nurture and store everything. And return them reciprocally duly and deservingly, whenever they mature as fruits to the right persons.
Therefore, all who are aggrieved, all who are saddened and distressed, all who hid their heads when injustice had a field day destroying, mowing down, maiming and killing here and there: Be ye comforted.
For He, our Lord and The Most High, Who is Justice Himself, Has declared: “Vengeance is Mine. I shall repay!”
These Words: “Vengeance is Mine. I shall repay!” belong absolutely to the outworking of the Natural Laws. And they are definite and irrevocable.
They become automatically fulfilled in the compulsory and natural outworking of the Natural Laws. They need no help or contribution from the tiny human being before they are fulfilled. Neither do they need his agreement or dissent.
The consequences of the violation of any of the Natural Laws must come. And any human being who violates must live through the consequences of his error. In Love that surpasses all human understanding. Definitely.
So, cursing, or displaying any unforgiving attitude over whatever seeming injustice, is an attempt to take over the Judgement Seat by ourselves. This is wrong.
“Vengeance is Mine. I shall repay!” Saith the Lord.