We and our painful experiences


By Banji Ayoola

He the Lord to Who you belong could not have been so unjust as to subject you to suffering, painful experiences undeservedly, unnecessarily, and unjustly. He Who is Love and Justice.

You do not need to be desperate over whatever you experience. Knowing that whatever you experience could not have come your way, except in the outworking of the Laws That are definite, accurate to pinpoint precision, just, and perfect.

Whatever you experience is brought your way either to redeem some past errors, clear some guilt clinging to you from the past; mature, develop, and enrich you; or prepare and make you a better human being, who will henceforth strive to swing with the Laws of the Almighty Father.

Your experience, whatever it may be, is not accidental, but tied to your weaving, and your way to help. Through the pains this inflicts on you, you are permitted to redeem some errors from the past, become refined and a better human being, who will henceforth strive to honor the Laws in all his relationships with fellow human beings, in all his activities.

That you are allowed to experience suffering and pain is not to punish you, but as a means to cleanse you of some guilt clinging to you from the past. It is to make you a better human being, who will be pleasing to the Lord, as he strives henceforth to swing with His Laws in all his activities.

So, rejoice amid your tears. Exert yourself honestly in body and soul, in your joyful activities for the Lord, Who has answers to whatever bothers you, to seek His guidance and help on everything.

Intensify your earnest seeking in His Word. Dig yourself seriously into It. And also intensify your physical activities in His Honour. And you will find help. Certainly.

Know that grumbling, and complaining about a painful experience is rebelling against the experience that must have come to you, which you are made to experience, through the perfect outworking of the Laws.

It is asking: ‘Why me?’, an expression of doubt in the perfection, in the Love and Justice of the Almighty Father, Who will never allow the innocent to suffer unjustly for an error that was not his.

Accept whatever experience that comes your way in good faith. Face the experience boldly and prayerfully, in the conviction that the Almighty Father, to Whom you belong, will not permit it if it is not for your good.

And His Love and Justice will see you through.

Go through the painful experience while casting your gaze unto the Lord, Who will never leave you alone in pain and distress, and Who will see you through.

By this, you humble yourself before whatever experience that is brought your way. This is humbling yourself before the Laws, before Him the Lord, Who you seek to serve, and to Who you belong.

A way to drive humility into you. A way for you to acquire humility which you greatly need as an inseparable companion on your path upward towards the Light.

And He the Lord will be with you.

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