VC Ukackukwu reels out giant strides as Wesley University, Ondo celebrates 10th anniversary


By Banji Ayoola

The Vice Chancellor of Wesley University, Ondo, Prof Sunday Ndubueze Ukachukwu on Tuesday reeled out plans to consolidate and expand the achievements recorded by the institution in the areas of teaching, research and community service in the last ten years.

He spoke at the institution’s tenth Founder’s Day ceremony at its temporary campus in Ondo, Ondo State, where he also disclosed the numerous efforts since he assumed duties in July last year, at retooling the university to stand at par with leading universities in the world.

These plans, according to him, include a novel partnership programme with Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, United States, through which Wesley University would provide quality education for the deaf, blind and hard-of-hearing community in Nigeria, to enhance their potential and employability.

They also include the planned establishment of a CBT Centre within the university campus, to serve as a springboard for the institution’s proposed Open and Distance Learning (ODL) programme, that would attract students to the university. This will help boost the university’s income streams.

The Vice Chancellor said that the university has started Conversion/Top-Up programme, which enables holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) from Monotechnics and Polytechnics to obtain Bachelors Degree in various disciplines being offered at the university.

There are also the proposed establishment of  the WesleyUni Education Foundation, to provide scholarship opportunities and access to education for the indigent ones; as part of the university’s  role in providing affordable education, and encourage and reward excellence; among others.

Already, the university is collaborating with at least six notable foreign institutions including Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, United States; Cliffs College, United Kingdom; Methodist University, South Korea; University of Warwick, United Kingdom; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Tanzania; and National Research Organization, Uganda.

Giving details of the collaborative programmes, he said: “I must mention that being in a global village, one of the ways at improving academic content and exposure to the best academic practices is by collaboration/partnerships both locally and internationally. We are strongly leveraging on the available opportunities out there. Specifically, one of our partnership efforts is currently at an advanced stage.

A delegation from Wesley University, Ondo paid a visit to Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, United States of America in November, 2018 to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).  Also, a delegation from Gallaudet University visited in February 2019 and provided some training for our staff on deaf and hard of hearing education. Thanks to our BoT Chairman who initiated and is working tirelessly to ensure that the collaboration yields the desired outcome.

The partnership with Gallaudet University, Washington, DC would enable Wesley University to provide one-of-its kind, quality education for the Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard-of-Hearing community in Nigeria. This promises to enhance their potentials and employability, and off course distinguish Wesley University, Ondo.

We are in working collaboration with the Cliffs College, United Kingdom.

The collaboration with Methodist University, South Korea, which is anchored by His Eminence Dr SCK Uche is being worked on. We look forward to its coming to fruition soonest.

We currently have a collaboration agreement with the University of Warwick, United Kingdom for research on development of bio-pesticides for Cassava whiteflies in Nigeria. This agreement brings together a research group from University of Warwick, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Tanzania), National Research Organization (Uganda) and Wesley University, Ondo.

Other collaboration/partnerships efforts with international and local institutions are assiduously being pursued. We have provided enabling environment (working and residential areas) to make this internationalization efforts a reality. “

Ukachukwu also disclosed new inventions by the university saying: “Worthy of mention also is that within this 10 years the University has made giant strides in the areas of innovation and technology. Some of our staff and students have made some remarkable inventions, which have received accolades from people. But, most importantly these inventions are helping to solve local problems.

For instance, the optimizers which were invented by one of our staff have been very helpful to those in laundering business. By the help of the optimizers they can now iron clothes with small generating sets. Households are also enjoying this invention.

This is what University is about – solving problems through research. Consequently, this has led to the establishment of Wesley University Discovery and Innovation Committee (DIC), which would identify and encourage staff and students in their research efforts. Wesley Tea and sanitizer are inviting products also. The light dotting our gate is our own making and it is powered by inverters built in Wesley University. Electronic Boards

Our classrooms are being equipped with current learning facilities to meet the modern needs of our students and staff. A number of the classrooms are now equipped with Electronic smart boards. However, we need 15 more of these smart boards to fully equip all available classrooms. Acquisition and installation of these 15 boards will take about N4,000,000.00 ( four million naira).

Digitalization The digitalization process in the University has ensured the capturing of the biometrics of staff and students. By implication all staff and students are digitally recorded. This has enabled us to introduce the automatic clock-in system (ACS), which has helped in curbing truancy among staff and students. With the ACS in place, movement and attendance of members of staff and students within the campus and at University routine activities such as Chapel events, lectures etc. are checked and regulated. Hence, we are recording greater outputs from all members of the University community.

Internet Connectivity In addition to the over 2,000 databases covering about 2million relevant titles in different subject areas in our electronic library section to aid research and development, a process has been initiated to deploy fast-speed internet connection within the campus.

Recently, Oracle Inc. trained a member of staff and has empowered us with the rights to establish Oracle Academy and run its professional certificate courses at little or no cost to the University.

Efforts are ongoing in other areas to give our Institution the world wide visibility it deserves and prepare staff and students for global competitiveness. “

On expansion of programmes, he said: “We are currently consolidating already existing programmes, scrutinizing the curricula to make them relevant for the time we are in. All the 21 programmes of the University have full accreditation. While consolidating on the existing programmes, we are also expanding to new programmes.

By the last quarter of last year we secured approval by NUC for our College of Arts. Currently, the Department of Theology has been fully approved by NUC. Infrastructure/ Riye Building In order to improve the infrastructure on campus, some buildings have been erected. Recently we embarked on the completion of the Riye building, which has the capacity of housing a full faculty/ college and provide more classrooms and office spaces for staff.

The proposed College of Legal Studies will be housed in the building. All the block work has been completed. About N100,000,000.00 (Hundred million naira) is needed to complete the roofing and furnishing. Already a fully equipped building has been provided for the take-off of the College of Arts, via IGR. “

On Internally Generated Revenue, the Vice Chancellor said: “Since coming on board, we have been making frantic effort at shoring up the University income streams. A number of the University businesses are being restructured and repositioned for effectiveness, productivity and profitability.

Specifically, I want to mention the 8240 capacity battery cage poultry at our permanent site. This has become a priority to the University, as revitalizing it would tremendously boost our IGR. The Committee set up to review the cost of revitalizing the facility has concluded and submitted its report.

It is estimated that the revitalization functionalization would take about a N100,000,000.00 (Hundred million naira).

We are currently looking for investors that would tap into this opportunity by leasing the farm or partnering with us in managing the farm.’

Declaring the vision of the university, he said: “You may well know the 1-10-2027 vision of the University. This vision is still much alive. It is still very much attainable and we are committed to attaining it. Wesley University, Ondo pursues a vision to be a centre of excellence in knowledge creation, moral regeneration, and development enhancement in Nigeria. A centre of learning and research with modern, state of the art infrastructure, well-motivated staff and students and properly organised communication flow.

However, there is much demand on us now than before, as we may need to double our efforts. One major navigation tool we need is funds. Without funds getting to the vision will be hugely challenged. This is why fund raising is incorporated in this year’s Founder’s Day celebration.

As was stated in your letters of invitation, the funds we generate will be geared towards positioning Wesley University, Ondo on the part of the vision it set out to achieve.

Provision of infrastructure in the permanent site, which will enable us commence activities there is at the heart of this effort. Your contributions in cash and kind are welcome. We need to clear the site and provide access roads.

As I announced during the last convocation, it is our intention to hold the next convocation, which is months away at the University’s permanent site. Together we can do it! Also, we appreciate our role in providing affordable education, especially for the indigent among us and encourage and reward excellence. This is why we also intend to establish the WesleyUni Education Foundation, which will in no small measure provide scholarship opportunities and access to education for the indigent ones.”  

He declared: “I strongly believe that we need to celebrate the fact that in spite of the numerous challenges we have faced in the past decade, we are emerging stronger. With doubled effort by all stakeholders, Wesley University, Ondo would witness geometric growth in the coming years.”

In his words: “Precisely 10 years ago, our University was formally established to build the total man. This has helped in providing more opportunities for our teeming youths in their quest for higher learning and training.

As we all know, we started as Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo. However, in order to expand access to education for all and express its full potentials, the University had to upgrade from a specialised to a conventional University that has no limitation whatsoever.

Wesley University, Ondo has been on a journey for these past 10 years. I believe that these past years have been the formative years, when we faced different teething problems. The navigation has not been smooth sailing.

However, it is my firm belief that this year, being the 10th anniversary, would launch us into different dimensions of greatness. I see us grow from now in leaps and bounds. But, all hands must be on deck. The height we envision calls for concerted efforts. It requires that we come together as stakeholders, as remaining in the silos would be counterproductive in our quest for greatness as an institution.

For those of us who have contributed a lot already, I must thank you and encourage you not to rest on your laurels, as we are yet to get to where we envisioned from the beginning, so it is not yet time to take some rest. “

On efforts at building academic standards since his arrival in July 2018, the Vice Chancellor said: “We have been making efforts at consolidating on the gains achieved, and reengineering the University to be comparable with any other Universities in the World.

As I will always state, University is universal, which means that the academic standards in other universities anywhere in the world should apply here. In the light of this, many academic and non-academic structures are being reengineered and repositioned. We are ensuring that rules are strictly followed in all academic and non-academic activities.

Also, efforts are being made at reorienting staff for greater output. We are ensuring that the University calendar is strictly adhered to. By this our students graduate when they should. In the light of this we ensure that Senate meets regularly to take decisions on academic issues of the University. We ensure that deadlines are set for our results. Our curricula are being updated to ensure that they are relevant with the times. “

Giving gratitude to the Almighty for the achievements recorded so far, he said: “I stand before you today with a heartfelt gratitude to God for the 10th anniversary of Wesley University, Ondo.   It can only be God that has brought us this far as an Institution. We have navigated through different rough paths, yet He kept us. Today we are 10 and getting stronger!”

He said: “Permit me to humbly appreciate our Eminences whose ideas and efforts birthed and nurtured Wesley University to what it is today. First, our Prelate Emeritus, His Eminence, Dr Sunday Mbang, who conceptualized the establishment of this great Citadel of Learning. Following is His Eminence Sunday Ola Makinde, who midwifed the establishment of this University. His Eminence Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kalu Uche, who has put every effort at consolidating on the gains made. We are immensely grateful to Your Eminences for all your efforts and commitments. “

He thanked the Chancellor and Osemawe of Ondo, Oba Dr. Victor Adesimbo Kiladejo, Jilo III, CFR Chairman and Members of the Board of Trustees (BoT) and Governing Council members from inception, past Vice-Chancellor, past Ag. Vice-chancellors and principal officers, staff for their immense support and work at making this University what it is today, saying “Many of you have made a lot of sacrifices in your bid to making our University a leading light. My assurance to you is that all your labours shall not be in vain.”

He thanked the Methodist  bishops, whose 37th Bishop Council, held at the institution, coincided with the Founder’s Day Founder’s Day , and members of the archdiocese and dioceses for their contributions for these past 10 years;  acknowledging  that many of them are from the rural areas who have given from their widows’ mites.

He promised:  “Because of them we will make Wesley University, Ondo a citadel of higher learning they will all be proud of.”

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