Unearth The Wealth In The Lord’s Prayer

Newly Published Book

The Wealth In The Lord’s Prayer

Contained in the Legacy left for mankind by the Son Of God Jesus Christ, is inexhaustible  wealth.

No human being can fully comprehend this infinite wealth in The Lord’s Prayer.

In this book, ‘The Wealth In The Lord’s Prayer’, a humble attempt is made to point your attention to this inexhaustible wealth and how you can tap from It to improve your living conditions on Earth.

To benefit from this effort,

Copy and search the link:


What the book reveals will amaze you. It will turn your life around  for the better.

Gratefully, you will join others, who are already tapping from the inexhaustible wealth in The Lord’s Prayer to guide their paths on Earth.

Copy and search the link:


My best wishes,

Banji Ayoola

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