In times of tribulation, most people withdraw into their shell. But that is when the greatest activity is called for. Activity in thoughts, words and action.
Today, the world is living in challenging times. All over the world, all people face one kind of challenge or the other. The only difference is that some are magnified beyond others. All countries are under pressure.
And this is normal. There is always Cause for every Effect. The way the whole world has been going on can lead nowhere else but here. For thousands of years, all of us have been living in a wanton manner, uninterested in anything elevating or beyond the earthly. All efforts, foul and fair, are devoted to enhancing life on earth. With nothing beyond.
Even when we profess belief in life in the beyond, we still behave as if all life is on this earth only and there is no tomorrow, or consequences for our actions.
Therefore, those with power of one kind or the other continue to misuse it to the detriment of all others not so privileged. For instance, those with more fearsome instruments of terror- weapons-decided to create the unnatural trade in human beings. Human beings were bought and sold like common articles. No heed was paid to the cries for help, the shrieks of terror and sadness that pervaded all the realms where the evil trade took place.
All participants were in equal measure callous, inhuman and selfish. Unnatural cruelty became normal for many. Neighbors were hunted as potential slaves to be exchanged for material articles. Slave raiders became busy kidnapping people and keeping them penned for the slave traders. The slave merchants on their part became the masters of the destiny of these enslaved people. On the slave ships, mind boggling wickedness was practiced. Sick ones were thrown overboard without a second thought.
At the destination, human beings were sold for profit, and in the plantations, the slaves had an even rougher deal of lying ended by death. Death that could come from a number of things, inclouding a mere fit of anger from the slave master.
This scenario played out for 400 years!
This was a guilt on the part of the slavers as well as the slaves themselves.the guilt of not standing up to be counted when it mattered. That is why Kanye’s statement that slavery was a choice has relevance for us today. It was a call to arms. Reiterating the Malcolm X statement that the level of a man’s suffering is determined by the level of his patience.
It is a call to arms for us not to be too accommodating of evil in any guise. Either from the government, from our neighbors, or internationally. Allowing evil from any source is a sin, since we are thereby allowing evil to thrive.
Therefore, in these challenging times, the way to live is to understand it. Know that all what is happening is man made and self inflicted.
Once we know this, and imbibe it, the way out will become obvious. Change what you are planting and the harvest will change. So anything we don’t want we must reject. With all legitimate means at our disposal.
At this time, these challenging times, all men of goodwill must stand up to be counted. On the part of good. That is the only justification for being able to think and know what is right or wrong.
This brings us to the political configuration in the country today. It is the sacred duty of everyone to study with his brain and his intuition what is being offered, and pitch tent with one we can support in our thoughts. It is not right for homosapien to pretend to be indifferent to political goings-on around them. Politics determines the rules that will be IMPOSED on all going forward. Everybody must therefore participate. Even if only in thoughts. What is wrong is to stand aloof and pretend to be above the fray. That will amount to abdication of responsibility.
So, let all go forth, examine the politicians and their policies, and take a stand, we can be sure that whatever happens is the true aggregate of the opinions of the majority.
The era of standing aloof and refusing to take a stand for truth and justice should be over.
Stand up, and be counted!