By Olusola Adeyegbe
Sometimes, profound discussions happen on buses. Years ago, a bus conductor in Lagos, Nigeria told his passengers that he does not buy the idea conveyed by the words: “olden days”. There is nothing like the olden days he said.
The olden days are what have extended to this very day he affirmed. The young man spoke with courage. What he said is not in line with the popular view. The majority believe that time passes and that time changes.
But does time change? Does it pass? New knowledge available on earth today makes it clear to us that Time stands still! We are the ones that go through time to learn from it.
Time never changes. It records all things and it is eternal. We, therefore, are the ones who go through time to learn from what has been recorded in it. We learn from this and we grow, we mature.
It is just the forms of time that change and this is what we as men can relate to and which makes us conclude that time changes. Only the forms change but not time itself.
Again, when we observe ourselves we notice that we too remain the same inwardly. Our inner core the spirit remains what it is even when our body is manifesting outward changes.
Our body can be young, it can be old, but our inner core remains forever the same. I am sure you too have noticed this.
Truth! This is the eternal unchangeable! It is Eternal.
Again, as we reflect on this, we see that what we consider as truth today we see later as error and yet again in this, we find grains of truth.
Even then, the Truth remains forever the same, It does not change. We are the ones who are getting to know more and more and growing and maturing in the process.
As we contemplate Truth, we realise that It is Divine. It is well above our own origin.
Closely linked to Truth are Love, Purity, and Justice. All are Divine. To be pleasing to our Creator, we as of necessity need to embrace and immerse ourselves in the spiritual forms of the Divine concepts mentioned here.
To live by Truth and Justice, let us resolve to think, speak and act such that the Laws of Creation will bring back to us in reciprocity only peace, happiness, and the abundance of this Universe.
When we align our thoughts, words and deeds to Their working, the Laws will also bear us aloft to the Luminous Gardens of our Creator eventually.
To serve Purity, let us embrace childlikeness, chastity in daily activity, a sense of beauty in all our actions, faithfulness, and acting with grace.
To live by Love, let us voluntarily respect and show understanding for our neighbours, help where help is needed and contribute only to healing and reconciliation.
We should also strive to live up to the high standards and pedestal on which our loved ones have placed us and not betray their trust.
Above all, let us think of God at all times. That is our Source of redemption, That is our salvation!