There shall be peace everywhere on earth


By Banji Ayoola

Soon, mankind will no longer need these weapons of mass destruction.

The newly emerging mankind on earth together with those who will be newly born will have no need for these weapons of mass destruction.

The New Era that is being born, that will arise over the ashes of the old era, that is already passing away, that is already collapsing, and that shall eventually collapse, be crushed into dust and swept away, will have no need for these weapons of mass destruction.

All armories everywhere on earth shall be outdated, unnecessary as the darkness, which hitherto had been fueling needless hostilities, murder, mass killings of human beings across countries, across frontiers, under numerous pretenses, is being checked everywhere and shall be eliminated from the earth and the entire World of Gross Matter.

The humongous wealth, which today is being wasted on amassing weapons of mass destruction everywhere on earth, on instigating and executing hostilities, wars, killings, bloodshed, as has been for several thousands of years, will be spent on promoting peace, welfare, up-building, happiness and well-being of the entire mankind.

The new mankind will have no need for all ugliness or anything that disturbs peace such as weapons, armories, poisons, chemicals and agents of destruction mass or whatever, such as hatred, hostilities, envy and kindred other evils.

In the coming years, there shall be on earth only human beings who will live together joyfully everywhere without discrimination as to the race, social status or whatever that divides us on earth today, human beings who will live joyfully together on the basis of peace.

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