The unseen child

The Ram

By Abdu Rafiu

From the revelations contained in the video tape of what was titled “The Silent Scream” to which reference was made last week, and the voice of gynaecologist Bernard N. Nathanson who took viewers through an ultra sound scan, a lot of people must have been rightly persuaded that foetus is a human being. It is an unseen child in the making. It is not everything that is unseen that is non-existent. We do not see the air we breathe for example. We inhale and exhale. We do not see the oxygen we inhale neither do we see the carbon dioxide we exhale. The process by which carbon dioxide itself is turned by plants into energy laden oxygen through photosynthesis is not seen. What’s more, there is no expectant mother who, blushing with joy, is in doubt that she is carrying a baby, a human being, in her womb. It is for a human being she does her shopping, buying clothes, pram etc. Many a modern girl even flaunts her new status to let the world know her little bundle of joy that is on the way. She is filled with the consciousness of a baby arriving soon in the family.

The perfection of the Laws ensures that it is only a human being that can be a product of procreation by human beings, and a goat by a goat. A cow is expecting a cow otherwise called calf. Maize is now in season, indeed, in its boom. Can we imagine if a farmer were to plant maize but he is unsure whether it is wheat or rice that would come out of the maize at harvest time, or if he were to plant cassava and he is unable to say whether it is cocoa or guava that would come out of it. Yam and cassava are tubers and they are similar. But cassava is not yam. A farmer who wants yam can only plant yam to harvest yam. Such is the perfection of the Laws that govern our world and Creation in its entirety. We can just think for a moment, and imagine the anxiety and confusion that would ensue if a woman were to be expectant and she does not know whether it is a human baby that would result from it—and putting it crudely, or a sheep! The Laws of Creation ensure only orderliness, joy and happiness and predictability. It is only a deviation from these Laws that engenders chaos and confusion, and uncertainties.

Having established that it is a human child that results from a pregnancy by a human being, it follows that in the Law of Development, a human being would grow from a foetus. The foetus itself emerges from human organism which also arises from the exchange of fluids by a couple whose radiation combination sends out a tone, an application to the Throne of Grace to be permitted to harbour a permanent guest in their home and in their midst. If it is foetus that eventually grows into a human child, it then becomes ridiculous to wonder whether foetus carries human life or not. What then are the beyond-the -earthly consequences of an abortion? I will come to it presently. Before then, it is imperative to state steps that every child goes through up to its appearance on earth.

In the appearance of man on earth, what many a man is generally familiar with is procreation and birth; and consequently concludes that life begins in the womb of the expectant mother. Through the enlightenment of the unique higher knowledge mediated and made available for all mankind on earth in these times, (the unique knowledge In The Light of Truth which answers all questions of life and existence), there are three steps in the appearance of man on earth. The missing third step is incarnation, although sequentially, it is the second step coming after procreation. Incarnation is the entry of a soul into the forming body in a woman’s womb. This takes place mid-way through pregnancy. As it occurs, the expectant mother feels the first movement, some call the first kick, of her baby. At this moment it dawns on her that what she is carrying is real. There is no woman who has had a baby who did not experience this joyful moment. Many a miscarriage also occurs around this period, usually because of a defect in the bridge the soul is to use to take possession of her mother’s womb. This case is rampart today among young girls, admirably educated, but who may have over-cultivated their cerebrum, the frontal brain, which is the seat of the intellect, at the expense of the hind brain, the cerebellum, the spiritually receptive part of the brains. The defect happens mostly because the radiation of the frontal brain is altered through over-cultivation. The change in radiation distorts hormonal discharge that lubricates the womb and strengthens the radiation bridge meant for use by the incarnating soul.

This cause may not be exhaustive but it can be said to be the principal cause at this time when pregnancy is mysteriously lost. The channel is closed to the incarnating soul. The developing body to form the habitation of the soul for the remaining months of the pregnancy, cut off from the radiation of the soul and lacking in inter-change of radiation nourishment, has no further use. It comes down.

What I am getting at is that the processes of life on earth begin with that serious yet wantonly abused first step…the procreative act. Unknown to a great many, the mere sharing of that hallowed moment sets off a pressure against the couple’s immediate environment. As the vibrations surge out, ringing away as supplication to the Throne of Grace, a channel emerges through which souls waiting anxiously for an incarnation access, approach the couple. From among them a soul most suited to the couple will eventually inhabit the cloak that is the body that is under preparation. The scenery can be likened to a vacancy notice hanging on the gates of a factory which attracts multitudes of job seekers jostling for a single or so position. It is a common experience of job seekers in our land in the present dispensation labouring in an economy that is in a very bad shape.

Statements such as “I knew thee before I formed thee in thy mother’s womb” (Jeremiah 1: 5), or “Who shall we send, who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6: 8) validate this pre-earthly existence of the soul. Even science is now providing proof! Medical research has established the onset of foetal blood circulation at about mid-way in pregnancy. Since this is about the time that the expectant mother begins to experience the first powerful kicks of the baby, can there be no link between the entry of the soul into the body (incarnation) at this time and the commencement of the baby’s own blood circulation since it is the spirit through the soul which makes its own blood and influences it throughout its earthly life? When the spirit with its fine coverings which make it to be known as soul departs the body, the blood formation and circulation cease. The animation is over. Since it is also about this time that when vital breath of life takes its leave blood circulation, therefore, is linked with the entry and departure of the soul.

This hypothesis must untie some knots, no doubt. First, incarnation cannot take place at 12 weeks but between 18 or 20. The growing body would need to have become able to generate a minimum requirement of heat or radiation without which it cannot establish an efficient union with the incoming animating soul. However, this is by no means suggesting that abortion before 18 or 20 weeks is right or excusable. It must be remembered always in all seriousness that the essence of procreation act where the possibility of pregnancy is patently manifest is petitioning by the couple for a soul yearning for an incarnation to come to them, and the inherent promise to care gratefully for it within the limits of their resources. This petitioning automatically sets in motion machinery to fulfill the dream. Except in a very few cases, woman, as the stronger sex, attracts the waiting soul, which explains why, in the enlightenment of the Higher Knowledge spreading on earth today, a child is a gift to the right mother. The body of the child is not forming yet in the womb, although an egg may have been fertilized.

Before the splitting of the cell into millions of billions of similar cells, Nature Beings who attend to such matters must first fashion an astral version of what the growing body will be like. Indeed, we learn that it is part of lost knowledge to the modern man that for every child’s body developing in the womb, there is an astral model, “that is to say a model of a finer material, invisible to the physical eye on which the gross material earthly body is formed.” This astral body, the prototype body, takes account of the threads of fate of the waiting soul, its credit and debit balance, including physical inheritances from the parents. It is after they fashion this astral form that the fertilized egg begins to divide, forming tissue, organs, systems and so on. Evidence of astral prototypes for every physical manifestation has emerged in scientific discovery. The British Guardian reported many years ago the story of a Russian scientist it called an inventor and electrician, Semyon Davidovich Kirlian who in 1939 made a spectacular discovery. According to the newspaper, he attached a sparking electrode to his hand and placed it on a glowing, blue, hand-shaped halo. Visited by eminent scientists, Kirlian and his journalist wife, reports the newspaper, were convinced that their bioluminescent images showed a life of force or energy field that reflected the physical and emotional state of their living subjects, and could even diagnose illnesses. Kirlian thus gave the world a key in high voltage photography which enables researchers to photograph a leaf and discover two manifestations on the photographic plate—one, a heavy image of the leaf, the other a fainter image. When the leaf is cut into two and re-photographed as a half leaf using this method the fainter image re-appears, whole—while the deep image of a half leaf also re-appears. Researchers are quick to recognise therefrom that what would appear to be an ethereal prototype is ever surviving the physical body upon the latter’s death. Using the same photographic method what they assumed to be human aura has also been photographed. In description after description this is said to be bio-active, reflecting not a stone dead form but a bio-active, a bio-plasmic that is living activity which responds to biological moods and nuances. What this has led us to is the knowledge of phantom pains. These are pains a person who has lost a finger or a toe suffers periodically. The physical form of either may have gone, the astral image is hanging on the body.

There is one other important point we cannot get away with…which is the involvement of Nature Beings in pregnancy apart from weaving the Karmic threads and connecting threads between the soul and its chosen mother. It is delivery of the baby! This column has touched extensively on Nature Beings in previous outings. Whoever still doubts their existence and activities need only wonder how the birds, without hands, build their nests; consider the intricacies of a nest and the dexterity; how without pulleys the great Pyramids of Egypt were built; why pregnant animals do not go to hospitals to see gynaecologists or to have their babies in maternity hospitals and why human womanhood, with all the aids of science and medicine, increasingly is finding difficulties with conception and delivery.

What I am getting at is that abortion does not concern a woman’s body or life alone. At her own request during procreation elaborate activities and processes are set in motion to fulfill her wish. Her fertilized egg alone takes a life of its own from its radiations. The Nature Beings, the loyal servants of the Most High, the Creator, set to work with weaving and preventing interference from intruders in the Beyond. These cannot be for nothing! Unilateral decision will hurt many people in this chain of activities for a waiting soul who may be having the first opportunity for another earth life, say in 200 or 500 years, opportunity to make improvement in its life and settle debts through atonement, this is a hope dashed. The elaborate and dedicated work of the Nature Beings is rendered a nullity. Bringing it even to life’s earthly experience, how will it feel like, for example, if after waiting for a placement in the university for 10 years, all requirements met—JAMB score, cut-off mark, catchment area, university matriculation examination—a letter arrives. The bubbling prospective student quits his job to return to school in search of the proverbial Golden Fleece of his ardent dream. He is honoured by his friends with a send-off party. He arrives on the campus, prepares for registration only to be informed in the end that his admission was made in error! A hope is dashed, a talent is stifled—one that would probably have benefitted the whole world maybe in finding a miracle cure to banish Monkeybox or COVID-19 and its army of variants, the inconvenience of face masks and vaccination and paralyzed social activities forever from our lives! The young boy’s mother who had kept her intense and prayerful longing of having a graduate son is broken, and given the tender heart of women, she may develop some complications thereof. Hope being a living form—when it is dashed is tantamount to murder! Murder, we now know, is not killing only in the flesh. Such is the unquantifiable amount of sinfulness and harm an abortion triggers in the life of the woman, her family and the unseen child.

From the foregoing it can be seen as I stated last week, that women around the world have been saved from themselves with the stance of the US Supreme Court on abortion nearly two weeks ago even if for now they do not realise it.

What becomes of an abortionist and her baby in the Beyond!

This will be treated in the concluding part next week.

The Guardian


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