The times in which we stand


By Banji Ayoola

The effects of the inexorable Law of Sowing and Reaping are playing out today in the experiences, the weal and woe of all the estimated 7.8 billion human beings on earth.

We have committed so many juridical crimes in the past.

Many heroes and heroines in history, human beings endowed with, and wielding, earthly powers that cut deeply through the existence of many other human beings less privileged, as they still do today, in various forms, have committed unspeakable crimes against other human beings.

Whole peoples have been wiped off. Many human beings have been wrongly criminalised, incarcerated, tortured, stripped of possessions, honours, dignity, ranks, and respect, executed at stakes, murdered by poison, daggers, and grenades, in the gas chambers, subjected to horrendous cruelties, and killed based on the earthly laws expressing earthly justice.

We should remember the time of the Middle Ages, the time of witch-hunting; when human beings suspected of witchcraft, were burnt at the stakes; when human beings endowed with extraordinary gifts were beheaded.

We remember Galileo.

We remember the time when possession of knowledge of healing through herbs earned the bearers of such knowledge death. A time when physical beauty that does not yield to amorous moves by men of power, attracted the death penalty.

What of the time of the Holocaust, when certain people were rendered homeless, persecuted, hunted about the world, and murdered at will.

What of the successive numerous wars in history, in which human beings were slaughtered, crushed, or bombed out of existence, in millions.

What of the numerous massacres, genocides, and other innumerable unimaginable crimes perpetrated in history.

We remember other crimes and murders through abortion, poisoning; assassinations of family, business, office, position, political, or whatever competitors, opponents or rivals; or whoever stood in our way; killing other human beings we considered as threats or out of envy through poisoning or other diabolic means.

Human beings, men and women who were privileged with earthy powers, positions, offices, influence, wealth, and opportunities in various forms, committed these unspeakable crimes.

And in the Wise ordering of everything, of Creation, all these errors shall be redeemed by their former perpetrators so that they, so that we, may obtain forgiveness, be cleansed, be free of the guilt, with which we have burdened ourselves, become better, new human beings and move on, to enable ascent to the Light.

All errors shall be redeemed. The one who sowed must reap. And now at the end time, in the final Judgement, the effects of the inexorable Law of Reciprocal Action are playing out.

The men and women of earthly powers, influence, wealth, and unusual privileges of those sad old times in history may be back here in flesh and blood, to redeem our former errors as a loving gift of the Lord to the former sinners.

But now the table is turned. The circumstances of the former wicked wielders of powers and privileges may now be different.

Many old sinners are here now, probably stripped of our former privileges, positions, wealth, or powers.

They, we may be here now, not as members of the upper or middle class, but at the receiving end, as subjects of power, ruled by other human beings who may have once persevered, endured hunger, thirst, and unspeakable cruelties under us in our own good times when we wielded earthly power wrongly.

We, men and women, who played active roles in the past regrettable history of the human race, may be here now; to close the circles we opened with our ignorance, now with Knowledge, Real Knowledge, not human knowledge.

Through living strictly, gratefully, vigorously, and joyfully in the Knowledge of the Laws expressing the Justice and Love, the Holy Will of the Almighty Father.

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