The Radiance publisher, Mr Banji Ayoola, has recommended the replication of the measures being taken by the Ondo State Government in all the states to tackle the prevailing insecurity challenges confronting the country due to frequent worrisome bloody clashes between criminal herdsmen and farmers across Nigeria.
He said: “This Ondo State example is a good model for the other five sister states in the South West Region, and indeed all the states in our Country that for years, have been living under the horrors unleashed by criminals. It is a model for addressing the long-term problems of frequent bloody clashes among farmers and criminal herdsmen in many states across Nigeria.”
Ayoola, a former Editor of The Hope, an ex-Ondo State Correspondent of The Guardian, and then of The Comet, spoke at the Press Centre in Akure, the Ondo State capital, as the Guest Speaker at the launching of two books “Akure Our Rich Heritage” and “Success And Other Poems” written by Mr. Gbenga Fadeyi, on Saturday, February 13, 2021.
Also he commended the Chairman/Chief Executive of Owena Press Limited, publishers of The Hope, Sir Ademola Adetula, for turning the fortunes of the media house around, as he urged the owner, the State Government, to give the company all necessary financial and moral support to enable it serve better the Government and People of Ondo State.
In his words: “I wish to commend His Excellency, for the courageous steps which his administration has taken in protecting the people of Ondo State and their properties from the worrisome frequent unprovoked bloody attacks by criminal herdsmen. He has shown the way forward in addressing this grave security challenge: the way of the law, refinement and civilization that the Yoruba people of the South West Region of Nigeria especially are noted for.
“This Ondo State example is a good model for the other five sister states in the Region, and indeed all the states in our Country that for years, have been living under the horrors unleashed by criminals. It is a model for addressing the long-term problems of frequent bloody clashes among farmers and criminal herdsmen in many states across Nigeria.
“Notably, the order on criminals to vacate all forests in Ondo State, and enforcement of same; the compulsory registration of all herdsmen in the state; the enactment of laws guiding their activities or operation; and the planned establishment of ranches and grazing reserves by government are measures that could be copied and domesticated by other state governments in the South West, and across the country.
“These measures would greatly check the problems, caused by the destruction of the farms by grazing animals, and violence usually unleashed by criminals who pose as herdsmen and hide in the forests to rape, destroy, kidnap, kill and wreak unimaginable havoc.
“All these, they unleash almost on daily basis, on the indigenous farmers and people virtually across our Country’s six Geo political zones, particularly in the South West, Middle Belt or North Central, North East, South East and South South.
“These criminals by their wrong activities, have thus violently moved to destroy the confidence and cordial relationship that have existed over the years between lawful Fulani herdsmen and their host communities in the South West for instance.
“Expressing the popular opinion endorsing the steps taken so far by the Governor on this matter, a foremost writer, Dr Jide Oluwajuyitan, wrote in The Nation of February 11, 2021, in an opinion article titled “Akeredolu versus the herdsmen, as follows: “Governor Akeredolu has started well. If we intend to seriously address the problem of insecurity, states must register her citizens and those they host. It is hoped those serving other tendencies in President Buhari’s government who after rejecting state and local policing derailed Fashola’s first initiative will not sabotage Akeredolu’s current efforts but have it replicated in all the states.””
On journalists and authors’ grave responsibilities, The Radiance publisher said: “A very serious responsibility attaches to the business of writing. In other words, every author or writer of any book, work or reading item bears a great responsibility for whatever he or she writes. It is the same for every reporter of any story whether or not such story carries his or her byline.
“Notably, this responsibility is not to any earthly power or law which can be bribed or evaded or avoided through the usual clever ways; but to the Divine Laws, Which are the expressions of the Holy Will of the Almighty Father; Which are definite and incorruptible in Their working to pinpoint accuracy; and are Supreme above all human laws, and everything else whether here on earth or anywhere else in Creation.
“Everything on earth and the entire Creation is governed by These Divine Laws which we also call Natural Laws. Thus any writing, as every other human activities, which infringes on any of these Divine Laws carries its own punishment.
“On the other hand, any writing which swings with These Laws, bears rich fruits, brings rewards and blessing, not only to the author but to the surrounding, the earth and entire Creation. And when the sowing is ripe, the author will definitely reap the fruits or consequences of his, or her every writing, to the last word.
“This is why an author, a writer or journalist, by choice, is performing a sacred duty which must be approached with all seriousness. For, the human word is meant to be a reflection of the splendour of the Word of God, Which is Love; Which heals wounds, furthers, builds bridges, enriches, develops, ennobles, brings blessings and furthers all humanity and the whole Creation.
“The Word of the Lord only gives in Love to all His creatures indiscriminately. This is the same as His Volition and Will, Which is expressed in His perfect, incorruptible Supreme Laws, the Divine Laws.
“These Divine Laws are contained in The Ten Commandments sent to mankind through Moses. It is this same Will of His Father, Which Jesus, in The Lord’s Prayer said shall eventually be done on earth as in Heaven.
“It is these same Laws that are now summarised and explained in the three principal Laws of Sowing and Reaping; Birds of the same feather flock together; and What is light floats while what is heavy sinks.
“Therefore, an author, a writer or journalist who works with the human word to weave and pass on messages to his or her fellow men and women, whether to educate, enlighten, entertain or for whatever reason, has taken upon himself, upon his shoulders, a grave responsibility, one of the most serious and sacred responsibilities here on earth.
“He has thereby voluntarily decided on his own to devote himself purely to using the human word exclusively as a reflection of the splendour of the Word of God; lovingly only in an up-building way to sow and promote peace, harmony, love, progress and development among all mankind on earth; to spread honey and bring blessing; to serve across parties, religious, ethnic, racial or any other artificial social divisions; across all artificial boundaries.
“It is for these reasons that every decent person is naturally alarmed at, and repulsed by writings which deviate from the above stated goals of all writings; that are consistently dished out by some writers or authors. Unfortunately, this trend is common in the so called junk media, and now most pronounced in the social media.
“Rather than uplift, such writings drag the society downwards. They ruin the society. They spread falsehood, bitterness, envy, pornography, filth, dregs, chaos, confusion and all that is ignoble, that destroy, that separate mankind and this earth further away from the Holy Laws and Will of the Lord; from the path that leads upwards to the Light.
“They fan and promote bloodshed, hatred, hostility, greed, selfishness, murder, corruption, crime, immorality and various other forms of shamelessness, ills and evil. They brew and spread poison instead of honey; they soil and poison everywhere on earth. They use the human word to weave writings which breach the privacy of other human beings; which encourage mankind to disrespect the Divine Laws and as such the Holy Will.
“The authors of such writings compete with one another in depravity and in leading mankind downward. They are at their best when horrors and calamities befall mankind. They feed and feast on disasters, wars, murder, killings, bloody conflicts, discord, road and air crashes which are becoming too many; and other horrendous experiences which mankind of today are being compelled to go through.
“Usually such writings kill; break the peace between and among human beings; steal; bear false witness; spread pornography that promotes lusting and flirtation; and coveting or envying what belong to the other persons. They spread words, opinions, ideas, information which cause confusion, anxiety and raise false alarm; which fan and promote bloodshed; and which infringe heavily against the Laws, That express the Holy Will of the Almighty Father.
“They do all these despite the distinct, clear and most sacred Decrees that: “Thou shalt not kill!”; “Thou shalt not commit adultery!”; “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour!”; “Thou shalt not lust after thy neighbour’s wife!”; and “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his!”.
However, he noted: “But we should be consoled that a new dawn is breaking; and this will eventually end the reign of everything that is wrong in the affairs of mankind. These shall then no longer be. All that is wrong and old will collapse as they are doing already across frontiers; and everything shall become new.
“The authors and journalists who are emerging from the old, together with those who will be newly born, will write strictly to serve and help mankind truly. As it is in the field of writing, so will it be in every other areas of all human activities on earth. As it will be in one country, so will it be in all countries on earth.
“So everything on the present earth, be it human being or material institution, or whatever of men’s creations, which cannot swing in the new, or which is not already striving towards the new, will be mercilessly gripped, crushed and swept out of the earth; for they disturbed rather than bring blessing. And they will no longer be permitted to exist.”
Ayoola said: “Remarkably, the leadership of Sir Adetula has turned the fortunes of Owena Press Limited around. Right from the gate, one now gazes at more beautiful and ennobling premises; steps on interlocking designs laid on the open floors; and proudly strides into newly renovated buildings; offices and facilities. And the Newsroom especially, he has beautified into a comfort zone and a pride.
“When last I visited, I touched most of the offices. They were cleaner and more beautiful; while my former colleagues, the staff, looked more relaxed and radiant.
“Most remarkably, the editorial content of The Hope newspaper is richer. This gives me joy! I am gladdened by the professional touch, the golden pen now given to most of the stories, which I feel like kissing while reading. The stories are better written and edited, with the accustomed highly dependable support of the Editor, Mr. Akindele Adubuola; and I believe, also with the help of other senior and line editors.
“In fact, I read my highly respected senior colleague in these stories.
“While wishing him more strength, I hereby enjoin my colleagues in the Editorial and other departments to rally round the leadership of this man of industry, a hard core professional, and give him all necessary support to take The Hope to greater heights and improve on the welfare and living conditions of all the workers of Owena Press Limited, Publishers of The Hope.
“Also, I urge the State Government to give this invaluable media house the necessary financial and moral support to enable it perform and serve the Government and People of Ondo State better.”
He congratulated the author Gbenga Fadeyi, who did his National Service in The Hope in 2008, “for this rare and commendable achievement of writing, among others, a book, which enriches the collection of memorable and monumental works on the rich and unique history of the revered Deji Dynasty, Akure Kingdom and her exemplary and hospitable people.
He said: “It is remarkable that Gbenga, as a youth corps member, passed through Owena Press Limited, Publishers of The Hope, a company headed by one of Nigeria’s best reporters, Sir Ademola Adetula, as Chairman/Chief Executive. He is a pride.
“And I am sure that there are other good writers who are also potential authors under the Chairman’s watch.
“And I believe strongly that working in the conducive environment made possible under his exemplary leadership since he assumed office, the talents of these good writers as potential authors, would, blossom and soon ripen into rich and delicious fruits such as the ones being launched today.
“I hereby encourage these gifted former colleagues of mine in The Hope to set to work on their special talents.”