By Banji Ayoola
The promised Comforter will guide mankind into all truths by making “the gospel of the kingdom” available “in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come,” for this “gospel of the kingdom” is the instrument by which the world is judged!
He proclaims “the gospel of the kingdom” to all nations of the world.
Mankind then judges ourselves individually, through this gospel, by the attitude each one develops towards It on coming in contact with It.
The contents of this gospel, in fulfillment of Christ’s earlier promises, have these objectives:
- To remind mankind of the things Christ had once taught us;
- To correct all the distortions and wrong interpretations which mankind has introduced to the Teachings of Christ over the past
2,000 years; and - To reveal to mankind those truths of life, which Christ had to withhold from us because we could “not bear them yet” during His time on earth.
These include the full description of Creation and the full explanations of the mechanisms of the workings of the Will of God, and how mankind is to proceed to adjust ourselves to this Will, which is an important step each one must take who wishes to pass in the judgment. – Ibid, Pp. 72 – 78
One whose inner lamp has not gone out, or who is inwardly alive, immediately recognises the Voice that speaks to him in the “gospel of the kingdom” and promptly takes steps to grasp the lifeline offered him for his salvation.
On the other hand, one whose inner lamp has gone out, or who is dead within, is not touched inwardly by this “gospel” as happened even when Christ was on earth. He bypasses this lifeline. By this, each passes judgment on him or herself.
Many may even actively work against this gospel, and dissuade others from availing themselves of this immense help offered by our Creator and the Almighty Father.
Such a person judges him or herself thereby, and reveals him or herself as a servant of the Darkness, that shall be eliminated from the earth.
The Teachings of the Son of Man, Which Christ called the “gospel of the kingdom,” have as their ultimate goal the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Paradise, the Realm of the Almighty Father on earth, where peace will reign, after the elimination of everything that disturbs peace; and everything that does not conform with the Holy Will of the Almighty Father.
So shall it be.