The promised new era on earth shall break in


By Banji Ayoola

The radiance of the Truth is covered only by a thin veil for so many human beings on earth today. A thin veil which will soon fall in the intensifying streaming-in of Light that is overtaking the earth already.

The ever flowing streams surging out of the exalted Source, a surging which is now more intensified than it has ever been, a surging that cannot be held back, which pulsates continuously endlessly and streams outwards from the loftiest Height over the entire Creation.

To make everything new. Free! Free at last!

This radiance streams into the swamp of immorality, of base narrow mindedness, selfish calculations, greed, inordinate ambition, envy, hatred, hypocrisy, coarse language, dirty and coarse words.

Of all errors, lack of consideration for one’s neighbor, backbiting, stealing without scruples, fraud, idleness, indolence, appalling laziness, lies, excessive greed and love of money, envy, lust for power, influence and position, and other kindred evils.

Of conspiracy and acts lacking in love for the other man even by the so-called servants of the Lord, by the revered ones.

Despite their claims of what they want to be taken for, what they parade before incredulous humanity.

Of everything wrong, acts which contradict and are distances away from the basic tenets of the scriptures – Love thy neighbor as thyself, and strive in all your thoughts, words and deeds to swing in and with the Laws of of the Almighty Father Whom you strive to serve, and Who you should serve truly and earnestly with your whole being.

All products of the Darkness. this disgusting, suffocating swamp of lawlessness, of immorality, which oozes out with a sickening foul odor to suffocate the senses or anything good or striving towards the Light, will meet their doom.

And everything the Ten Commandments warned against.

So will everything that is wrong anywhere on earth be dragged out before the Light and collapse, be it in every man or woman or wherever. And be burnt and swept out.

Now the Light streams into principalities, all weaknesses, everything that is wrong on earth, in all human beings wherever hidden, pulls the wrongs out to collapse and be burnt off in the flaming streams of Light. Never again to be allowed in the incoming New Era on earth.

Which will swing purely in the Laws expressing the Holy Will of the Father as it is in Heaven. As promised by the Son Jesus.

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