Power Mongers and Merchants
Human society power mongers and power merchants are generally of two types: they are either manifesting the power of dreams, using it to improve society, or are merely dreaming of power; and the material, temporary things it can help them acquire personally.
Both parties pursue with passion, their priorities.
Mind is our dreaming machine
We have been told that the only tool we have to create is our minds. The only activity of the mind is thinking, dreaming. Visioning
Everybody dreams, but not everybody has the determination and discipline to carry the dream to reality. And not everybody dreams in the interest of the generality. When we dream and then have the discipline to bring that dream into reality, we are manifesting the power of dreams. Leaders need this quality. But they also require a nobility of spirit to dream noble dreams, lofty dreams, that will benefit all.
A leader that can not dream a lofty dream for his people is just occupying an office, not a leader. Just an office holder.
Power for nothing
Meanwhile, there is another set of people, some pretending to be leaders. They only dream of power as an end in itself. For themselves only. And this power lust, is not to manifest anything great, for others, but merely to remain as overlords of others, mostly those better than themselves in spirit.
Self Examination
What type of person/leader are you? Are you manifesting the Power of dreams, or you are just Dreaming of Power?
Leaders that show the power of dreams are a blessing to their country, as are individuals who manifest power of dreams are blessings to their surroundings. Think Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoun, think Lee Kwan Yew, think Bill Gates and think Steve Jobs among others.
Dreamer: Dubai Builder Al Macktoun
Leaders who just dream of power are a curse to their country, and dictators develop from that. Failed leaders come out of that. They actually mislead their country, drag them downwards spiritually, and backwards materially.
Their whole thought is governed by how to gain, and retain power. For as long as possible, by any means NECESSARY.
Countries are ruined under their watch. The people suffer and groan. Examples abound. Muhammed Siad Barre, Mobutu Sese Seko, Idi Amin Dada, and Pol Pot.
Somalia Destroyer power Dreamer: Mohammed Siad Barre
Sometimes, these countries struggle on, until after the release of the tight leashes on the people at the death of the dictator, before the nation-state collapses into a state of anarchy. Examples include Saddam Hussein, Muamar Ghadhafi and Samuel K. Doe whose countries descended into chaos after their own chaotic deaths.
People focus, not Party focus
This brings us to the present preparations for 2019 and the goings-on in the political arena. The people must do their best to help make a choice of the direction of our country, post-2019.
The first thing to know is that no party makes a human being. It is the human being that makes the party. What that means is that Nigerians MUST learn from these self serving defections of recent times across party lines and STOP voting along party lines.
They must even stop thinking along party lines. The parties are just a collection of people looking for power. Votes, and support, must be given on the basis of individuals and their personal credibility only. Not on the basis of their party. This is what a provision for independent candidacy should have brought about.
A call to Nigerians is to watch well as politicians are regrouping, mouthing all kinds of pious nonsense designed to hide their selfish intentions. Do not look at what these politicians are saying, talk is cheap. Look at their antecedents. Then choose what and who to believe, and who to support.
Make sure you understand that.
Choose carefully, who and what to believe, and who to support.
Everyone a leader
Anywhere we are, political leaders or not, we should manifest the Power of Dreams – dare to dream, then do all what is necessary to bring the dream to pass. This we can do anywhere we find ourselves. In our churches. In our communities. In our town unions.
That is what leadership is about. Dream for a better world. A better environment. A better family. A better police force. A better civil service. With this, individuals can be leaders anywhere they are. And that is what aggregates to a better society.
Followership is important
In the jostle for political office, in the deceitful defections, lies our raw material for decision making. it is important for the followers to be more discerning. To exercise more judgement.
Office holders that have no fundamental convictions should be shunned, even if they belong to a ruling party. Leaders, so called, that keep jumping around political parties not for the interest of the people but for where they might get easier access into public office and public treasury should be avoided.
Democracy is not a perfect way of choosing leaders and it frequently brings up scoundrels. Generally however, the leadership that emerges through elections is usually a fair representation of the dominant thought patterns of the majority.
Therefore, going into 2019, we should all examine our thoughts, and exercise thought leadership wherever we find ourselves. The results depend on us.