The place of love in nation building (Part 3)


By Sola Adeyegbe

Where lies development?

Peace will reign where we shun unhealthy rivalry and evil thoughts. This peace in turn creates the environment in which development occurs. Amongst other factors such as building sustainable national institutions, three things that contribute to national peace and development are: 1. Observance of the Law of Balance; 2. The right use of the human word and 3. The right attitude to wealth.

i. The Law of Balance

This Law cannot be circumvented without repercussions. We find this Law operating in the need to have balance between work and rest; between giving and taking; between breathing in and out and so on. With respect to nation building, we need to observe this Law such that what is due to each one in the polity is given to them. The workers need to be adequately compensated for what they put in as their labor and contributions. No part of the country must be made to feel that they are being cheated or taken advantage of. The non-observance of this Law leads to nothing but agitations, unrest and instability whereas its observance guarantees harmony, peace and progress.

ii. The right use of the human word

We have been told –“Let your communication be yea or nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil!” This statement means that useless talk leads to unrest and decline! Much talk and talkative leaders lead a people to misery!

We must therefore be careful how we use the God-given ability to form words. Politicians should avoid making empty promises which they do not intend to fulfil as this breeds disquiet in the polity.

Communication between individuals is better done in love, avoiding hate-speech, mockery and harming our fellow countrymen. This is because in accordance with the Laws of Creation, a type of speech can only bring about what is similar. Hate speech will breed hatred and suspicion while the use of words of peace and love brings peace and progress.

iii. The right attitude to wealth

The United Nations in 2015 put up a collection of 17 goals known as The Sustainable Development Goals. (SDGs). These are the goals that nations must meet in the years ahead. Let us mention the top four of these goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being for People and
Goal 4: Quality Education

Nations need to make resources available to attain to these lofty goals. At national and individual levels, we need to consider wealth creation. This must be coupled with the right attitude. We should not seek wealth just so that we can become objects of envy to others or so that we can oppress. Rather, wealth is to be used towards development and progress.

Money on its own is not evil, but the inordinate ambition to acquire it at all costs even at the detriment of others is what is evil. We should not make the acquisition of wealth the sole purpose of our lives forgetting that we must also spiritualise our endeavours. (a topic for another day!)

We need to be diligent at the individual and national levels so that we can work our way out of poverty, live decent lives and be able to provide necessary healthcare and quality education for our people. We should eschew the “get rich quick” mindset, embrace diligent work and direct all our thoughts, words and deeds towards all that is good so that we can reap progress and development as reward.

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