By Banji Ayoola
Every earthly human being is on a journey through this earth – a journey towards being a better human being, who will develop and live joyfully to the joy of his neighbours, of others, and eventually be pleasing to his Creator as he wanders along his individual path.
A journey that is meant to blissfully lead from this earth upwards towards the heights and the luminous realms.
Infallible Laws that lovingly guide us as we wander our paths are woven into this Creation. These are our best friends and helpers whose loving hands we should grasp, whose guidance we should always heed.
They are the perfect natural governors and maintainers of everything sojourning in the whole Creation, everything it contains in every part. They are the definite Natural Laws That express the Will of the Owner, our Creator and the Almighty Father.
We were granted this earth life to embark seriously on this most important journey upwards to the Light, without compromise.
And to help us further on this journey, we have been permitted the greatest help ever – bringing along our path the greatest help ever possible in the Word, with the accompanying protection, power, and blessing to successfully journey upwards, to navigate our way upwards to the Light.
Now we must be alert, watchful, keen, and careful not to allow, attract, or be attracted by anything that could endanger this journey of utmost importance in our earthly existence.
Drop anything, any other alien volition, thought, wish, desire or action, or any ties that could endanger, hinder, or threaten this trip; or dim our commitment to moving vigorously forward in this journey of our life, the upwards-to-the-Light journey.
Especially now that we are here for the purpose, only to embark unhindered and without compromise on the utmost journey of our earth life upwards to the Light.