The Message of Jesus and the times in which we stand


By Banji Ayoola

Jesus the Saviour, smashed the ceiling. He broke the barricade, shattered the walls and the encasement with which humanity had fenced ourselves off the Spiritual, the Divine and thus our Creator, the One Supreme Almighty Father; with which we had imprisoned ourselves, suffocating, choking and gasping for breath in wrongs distances away from the Light.

Because the spiritual development of mankind halted at a certain stage at the threshold of the Spiritual Realm and even swiftly declined, degenerated further and got arrested, detained or fixated at a level below the Spiritual, mankind shut, cut ourselves off the possibility of perceiving the helping, luminous beings existing high above our level, who have their highest fastness in the lofty Vessel standing high above the earth and the entire Creation.

We thereby shut ourselves away from the blessings streaming through this Holy Vessel from the Divine above.

And with the advance in intellectual sagacity, pomposity, arrogance and conceit of knowing everything better in the huge prison yard where we were choking and suffocating because the enlivening, vitalising, freshening and strengthening streams of Life from the Divine above meant to flow through to us had been cut off, the separation and gap between mankind and the Spiritual, this Holy Vessel, the Divine and thus the Light widened increasingly with time.

Such that in time, the earth, now as the kingdom and dominion of the corrupted earthly man, became subjected only to the unchallenged rule of the intellect. The consequences are the chaos and confusion which today reign almost everywhere on earth.

When humanity faced imminent annihilation in consequence of our willful separation from the Spiritual and thus the Divine, as an emergency, Jesus, sent by His ever loving Almighty Father from the Divine with His Divine Message tore through the ceiling that had barred us from the Light.

He thus shattered the encasement with which we had ignorantly walled and fenced ourselves off the flowing blessings of the Spiritual and Divine Realms, and thus from the Almighty Father.

Jesus broke through the barricades, shattered the encasement and with His flaming Word, restored the connection of mankind with the Spiritual Realm and thus with the refreshing blessings streaming ceaselessly from His Father.

With His Message from the Divine, Jesus restored the connection and demanded of humanity faith and trust in His Word, Which He also commanded must be alive in us.

By seriously living the true Word of Jesus, humanity will be able to liberate ourselves from the self created chaos and confusion which rule on earth today.

We will certainly regain the lost possibility to access the wonderful blessings streaming from the Spiritual and Divine Realms and use them to improve and transform the living conditions on earth as originally designed. Blessings which today hang up because of the strange conditions on earth.

The Son of Man coming Who is also the Comforter and the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus, will demand conviction in His Word, Which is the same with the One brought by Jesus, from human beings, who wish to listen to Him as a condition for them to ascend to and exist in the promised Kingdom of His Father.

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