By Banji Ayoola
The quality of your inner life, of your longing for the Light truly defines you. It is you. It is your life. The quality of this inner life, its intensity or strength, determines your salvation or otherwise.
This longing is everything. It is the utmost and most important in your life that must be protected at all cost from being overburdened, suppressed, or oppressed.
From being diverted into endeavors or activities that are ignoble and dark; that check, hinder, and oppose its natural movement or striving towards nobility and perfection, upwards towards the Light. These ignoble activities or endeavors hinder, crush and kill.
One who truly longs for the salvation and ascent of his spirit must avoid them. So you must avoid them. That is if you truly want to free yourself from the chaos and confusion that the Darkness, through mankind’s free choice and collaboration, has turned this earth into.
These ignoble activities include wrong appetites and desires; pleasures; family bond or ties; ties with this or that person, association, or group; excessive games or sports; reckless, excessive or unmoderated sexual intercourse; lust for this or that person; lust for wining, dining, clubbing, partying, merrymaking, festivities, and the likes.
It is better you deepen yourself in delving into the Holy Word and activities around It. It is better you devote yourself to ennobling and truly loving activities. Activities which will truly benefit the other persons, your neighbors far and near.
It is this flaming longing that the human spirit takes along as his most precious possession when he departs this earth-life at physical death, and move into the Beyond to continue his journey through Creation.
This longing, meant to be of a great intensity, is the Pearl for which you were sent down to the earth to fan into a flame.
You were sent down here to strengthen this flame of Holy Longing as the only qualification that will grant you access as a good child, back to your Luminous Home, Paradise the Realm of Light, the Radiant Kingdom of the Almighty Father, your Creator.
Indeed we are all here to acquire the needed strength to be active, to live and work consciously There in our Father’s Kingdom.
At the earthly death, the departing soul of a truly longing human being is surrounded by relatives here, and helpers lovingly sending him off the Earth. They bombard him with loving thoughts, wishes and prayers that see him off and accompany him warmly into the Beyond.
Into where he is born anew as a baby; where he is also lovingly awaited by helpers and his new family the kindred souls homogeneous to him. That he had chosen by himself by his volition and activity or striving while on Earth.
Now he is born as a baby into his new family that he had chosen through his free choice, his volition and activities, through his striving, his longing while on Earth.
His intense longing, which he had fanned into a flame while he was on Earth, now propels him strongly forward and upward towards the Light.
This longing for the Light you must not toy with, or compromise for anything.