The lessons in this coronavirus horror (2)


By Banji Ayoola

These times in which we stand, during which all earthly humanity are being ravaged by a strange affliction defying several traditional therapies.

Which does not respect boundaries between the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor.

Which has forcefully penetrated, smashed down, tore down, indeed crashed all social boundaries, to hit equally at the affluent and the not so affluent, at both the poor and the rich, the powerful and the weak alike.

Which, quite unusually, has leveled all social classes, and reduced all of us to endangered potential victims or patients in need of help, of care, of genuine love by other human beings of whatever status, class, colour, language, race or whatever any other ephemeral or merely earthly differences..

These times are teaching all mankind, all of us regardless of our race or colour, language or nation, religion, position of earthly power or social class, or whatever any other divisions into which we have separated ourselves on earth.

And on the basis of which we had been inflicting so much wrongs, so much unimaginable terror, injustice and harm on ourselves, on our fellow human beings.

On the basis of which we have seized mere earthly power in several areas, virtually in all countries, and cornered the commonwealth which we mainly have been channeling to wrong use – manufacturing and amassing weapons of destruction, of warfare, of sowing poison, dissension, disturbance and disharmony everywhere, of killing human beings, of destroying peace everywhere.

We had been wasting humongous resources on funding researches into harmful endeavours which, sadly, had been separating us further from one another and disturbing the peace of the earth.

So many privileges and opportunities wisely and wonderfully granted many nations, many countries and individuals to lead knowingly or contribute voluntarily joyfully to the up-building and uplift of the earth to a realm through which flow selfless love, harmony and peace, we had refused to grasp and use.

Now, quite unexpectedly and so suddenly, this coronavirus breaks in on us and accelerates these unusual times of great lessons for all mankind, for all of us.

The lessons are being severely pounded home that:

Despite our different skin colours based on the zones of the earth in which we are born, and determined lovingly by what each individual needs to benefit him or her;

The different languages we speak; our different countries, nationalities and tribes; our different social classes or status whether rich or poor;

The different families into which we are born; our individual peculiarities or situations or circumstances healthy or sick, rich or poor; lonely or in a company;

And the unique experiences that we either individually or collectively go through – differences and experiences which we individually or collectively need for our development into better human beings – ;

We belong to the same one human spiritual family, through whom the neutral power of the Most High flows down into and through the Earth, to fructify our surroundings, to do only what is good and bring blessing unto all our neighbours, to the Earth.

And turn the Earth into an annex of the long expected and awaited Kingdom of the Lord in which jubilant human beings of whatever race, colour, country, nation, language or tribe, swinging joyfully ONLY in the Supreme Holy Will of God as expressed exclusively in His all embracing Natural Laws, radiantly live in true understanding, love, harmony and peace with one another.

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