By Banji Ayoola
The Ten Commandments, Which were sent to mankind through Moses, explain the Holy Will of the Almighty Father and the Most High. This Holy Will is expressed in the Divine Laws or what we call Natural Laws, and has been in Creation from the very beginning. It has been governing Creation, all the creatures and happenings in it all along.
Jesus Christ came for the purpose of bringing the explanation of this same Holy Will of His Father to mankind on earth in a form that could easily be understood by mankind of His Time. He did this through the Parables, Sermons, Teachings, The Lord’s Prayer, all His Statements, Explanations, Words and Deeds; through His simple Lifestyle. He confirmed this purpose of His Coming when He declared that He came not to abolish, but to fulfil the Laws. And more affirmatively when He declared in the great Legacy He left for us, The Lord’s Prayer, that: “Thy Kingdom come! Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Also, the new Knowledge, which is available on earth today for anyone who truly seeks, explains this same Holy Will in another form that mankind of today could easily understand.
This new Knowledge explains the essence or core of the Ten Commandments sent through Moses, as well as those of The Lord’s Prayer given by Jesus, in a form that mankind of today could easily understand.
Notably, the essence or core of the earlier two great Gifts of the Lord for mankind – The Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer – is the explanation of the working of the Natural or Divine Laws expressing the Will of the Almighty Father in Creation. Flowing from this is the need for mankind to seriously seek and understand these Natural or Divine Laws expressing the Holy Will of our Creator in Creation and adjust our whole activities in thoughts, words and deeds completely to Them.
Like the Ten Commandments and The Lord’s Prayer, the said New Knowledge circulating on earth today, which is available for every one who truly seeks, has the same essence or core as goal.
It explains the outworking of the Divine Laws, Which had earlier been explained in different forms for mankind of different eras through Moses and by Jesus in a new form suitable for the mankind of today.
It went further to group these Laws into the three fundamental Laws forming the cornerstones of the same Holy Will. These three fundamental Laws are the Law of Sowing and Reaping or of “What a man sows, that shall he reap”; the Law of Like attracts Like or of “Birds of the same feather flock together”; and the Law of What is heavy sinks and what is light floats or of Gravitation.
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