By Banji Ayoola
Human opinions, wishes, decisions, free decisions, free choices, volition, free will. As expressed in what we call democracy, the foundation of our elections.
Where on our own, we freely appoint, choose, decide, or elect our political rulers or leaders; a process through which we elect our own government without recourse to any external interference, intervention, or help; without recourse to any individuals, or bodies; or whatever earthly power or force outside the country in question, however desirable. .
Or any other Power above the country in question, however high and sublime.
In other words, recourse to the Only One Who is Power Himself and owns all other powers, is out of the democratic process. The all-wise Decision, Wish or Will of This Superior, Higher Power above the human free choice, is not requested in our quest to elect our leaders. Neither is It recognised. Indeed, It is shut out of our democratic process, out of all democracies on earth.
Through which our political leaders and government are chosen, or elected by the people, for the people, to rule over us with our own human laws or wishes, or opinions formulated by the people, by ourselves.
To whom alone the democratically elected government and political leaders are accountable; and to whom they go at regular interval, for the ritual to renew their democratic mandate to govern.
How do we democratically elect our political leaders, our government?
We turn the whole country into opposing hostile camps, hurling violent words at one another, fouling and overburdening the atmosphere with hate speeches, falsehood and propaganda; destroying opponents’ reputation and self esteem; visiting on ourselves horrendous violence, shedding blood, maiming and killing; amassing weapons of destruction unnecessarily.
All in the bitter struggle to acquire, control and use state power to serve mainly personal interests. No genuine love for our neighbours, the masses of human beings who look unto their leaders full of hope.
We democratically elect our leaders through large-scale fraud, falsehood, bribery, corruption, deception, lies, manipulation, treachery and the likes. We choose them in a “free, fair and credible” electoral process through murder and assassinations, through bloodshed; through wanton destruction.
Through frustration, destruction and killings of aspirants for same political offices we eye, who really may be good and better inwardly and with better programmes; or anyone who stands in our way; thwarting attempts by other human beings who may be rich inwardly and willing to commit their special gifts, their whole being, truly to serve and help.
We create problems for opponents who may be better. We fence these ones and many others who are gifted with leadership abilities, but who lack the material means, off the democratic process, with set standards or qualifications, or an unjust legal system, or even physical threats, harm and assassinations.
We thereby throw ourselves, our country into chaos and confusion, which we can no longer manage on our own, whatever any human claims or attempts.
Worse still, this democracy fever has embraced the earth, holding many countries, indeed the generality of human beings on earth, in its iron grip; and entangling mankind in chaos and confusion being superintended over by this beast of ruthless selfishness: that increasingly daily chokes and suffocates humanity in its deadly grip; that increasingly pushes mankind and the earth down the slope, into further chaos and confusion, into the abyss, into perdition.
Thus, we have shut out This Superior Power, Which gives us life, all opportunities, sustains us and the entire Creation, from determining our affairs on earth. We choose, decide, elect our leaders only on our own.
Rather than humbly and fervently ask that our true leaders be chosen for us as guided and decided exclusively from above.
Increasingly and regrettably, democracy pushes mankind away, and widens the existing gulf separating us and the Light, the Only Power, Owner and Ruler of the universes, of the entire Creation.
Sadly, on account of our presuming to know better, we prefer the babel of our mainly self serving, one sided, narrow opinions as the determinants, the sole determinants of our political leaders, our government,of our affairs on earth.
Rather than the all embracing Will of This Higher and Only Power, Which takes adequate, fair and just care of the whole, the high and the lowly; the poor and the rich; the weak and the strong; all human beings; indiscriminately.
The Only Power, Which automatically ensures Love and Justice for all; Which brings Peace and Bliss on earth.
And the precipitation of this era, which has already started, shall manifest here on earth at the right time determined by the incorruptible Eternal Laws governing the entire Creation.