By Awakening Womanhood Group
Ushering in a New Year is among the oldest and enduring celebrations in human history. We envisage another 365 days ahead of us, waiting to be traversed through. Very seldom does one find a human being to whom this transition means little or nothing. To one who has cultivated the act of gratitude for his life and existence, entering a new year remains a significant event.
The human spirit experiences a certain type of bliss and delight which become manifest and visible in earthly jubilations and celebrations. The feeling can be likened to the excitement a student experiences when he is being promoted to a new academic class. Usually, during the “new year” period, many people find it necessary and ideal to open blank pages in their lives and inscribe new goals, new dreams. They make new resolutions for themselves. But in a number of cases, these goals are unaccomplished.
But what really is a resolution? A resolution is an unbending decision a human being takes with a commitment to fulfill it; hence, it is a decision which must be adhered to. And truly, if the reason behind such resolution is genuine and the primary focus is on that which is noble and uplifting to one and all, then such practice should be encouraged and sustained.
But making resolutions is only one out of many steps to take. Often times, we make these resolutions only to “forget” them as the year progresses. However, it is worth noting that the determination and fortitude to work towards these goals is the fuse and driving force behind achieving them, but when these are lacking, we only make ourselves \”sounding empty drums\”.
In making resolutions there should be a balance between setting spiritual goal and setting material goal. Our spiritual goal should be to live according to the Will and Commandment of the Almighty Father in our thoughts, words and actions; it is only in our strive to fulfil this that we can be properly guided in setting our material goal.
It is through achieving our spiritual goals that our earthly visions become clearer and manifest. When we align with the Will of the Creator, then it becomes evident that material positions, achievements and possessions are meant to serve the spiritual purpose of ennobling our environment and furthering the whole of Creation.
The “New Year Season” is not only the time to make a list of what we hope to achieve or accomplish in the course of a given year, it is also a time for serious reflection and reminiscence. In other words, it is a good time to sit back and reflect on our life paths; it is a good time to look inwards and do some self-examination and re-examination. It is a time to figure out where positive changes are necessary in our lives; positive changes that are in line with our ultimate goal of living the Will of God and consequently furthering Creation.
It is important to note that, as much as we see the New Year day as a significant day to make new changes and generate new dreams in our lives; it should also be seen as a day to render Gratitude and Devotion to The Most High for the Grace of being permitted to live on earth in order to experience and mature spiritually.
Furthermore, the time to do this may not necessarily only be the first day of the year or the early days of the new year. Everyday should be considered important because each day brings with it a new beginning and an opportunity to live aright in our thoughts, words and actions; rectify past mis-deeds and make new positive changes.
We need not always wait for a new year to make the necessary changes we need. Let us seize the moment! Let us live in the present. Procrastination and stagnation are alien to the Natural Laws of God in Creation. In conclusion, let our first and most important resolution be total obedience to the Laws of God which brings out only what is good in us. To achieve this, we must be intuitively alert and be ever ready to work on ourselves. The Author of the Grail Message emphasizes on this in one of His lectures. He writes; “He who bears within himself the firm volition for what is good, and strives to give purity to his thoughts, has already found the way to the Highest! All else will then be added unto him.”
May we be inwardly strengthened towards accomplishing our tasks and duties on earth as Willed by The Creator. Amen!