By Banji Ayoola
If sexual intercourse is the voluntary mutual exchange of radiation between both sexes of appropriate maturity, we need to approach this activity with more seriousness, and caution.
We must be clear as to what radiation this man or that woman emits. And this is determined by the volition and activity an individual indulges in, and how he or she stands at the moment.
The individual either strives towards or away from the Light. He or she is either friendly or hostile.
Depending on the direction of the volition and activity, the individual either radiates or emits a violet or dull yellow colour. Towards the Light or the Darkness.
Therein lies the danger of not exercising necessary caution in this matter, of indulging in this activity with just anybody.
Indeed what is there to draw in exchange from a man or woman who is always quarrelsome, discontented, greedy, and scrambling only after the material acquisition, wealth, fame, and power for the earthly alone, to satisfy oneself alone, and to the detriment of others; who is always sad, gloomy and unhappy; who is hostile to the Light and those who belong to and strive towards It? Unfortunately, these are the majority on earth today.
Indulging in this activity with such a person is a waste of radiation, energy, power, and time. It is an impoverishment. It is indeed a defilement, soiling oneself or deepening oneself in the swamp. And the consequences are disastrous.
This may drag down a striving soul who naturally emits a violet colour to the base level where he or she now becomes entrapped in, encircled, arrested, and detained by the dull, dense, and dark radiation. And thereby hampering his or her development, and causing harm.
However, this detention of a good human spirit in a strange environment through a too-intimate relationship with the bearer of alien and dark volition may last for a short or long period depending on how inwardly strong the bearer of the good volition is and the grace or help extended to him or her from Above.
Thus the danger, and a great need for caution in this matter.