The answer

Reconnection The Poet's Corner
I woke up and saw myself on earth But just could not tell whence that I came. I thought awhile the cause of my birth But I was at a loss all the same. Then came an impression from within That I have a Lord and King above Who from endless days has always been And was the Cause of me in His Love. But still I could not yet understand Why the Lord thought so highly of me And made for me a place in the land When I deserved it not as I see. I raised to the Lord my heart in tears Pleading that He enlightens my soul And bring to rest at last all my fears That I need not lose sight of my goal.   Seeing my humble and earnest mind The Lord then answered me from His Throne: “I had promised, he who seeks shall find, And to him who asks, I’ll give to own. I gave equally to everyone The potent urge to investigate Why he is on earth and whence his dawn, And how he may such cause compensate. My reason for this, it’s good you know, (And see how perfect that Man I made But who sought instead his ways to go And from the path I intended strayed) Was that while far away from his home Man’s spirit should know not any rest, But should know he’s there on earth to roam And that while there he is but a guest; Whereas were this urge to lack in him He’d feel contented with life on earth And would not himself from it redeem But would lapse into the sleep of death.   “So that your knowledge be now complete And there be no mystery left behind, Let your spirit now from earth retreat And towards me be wholly inclined, For as I promised that in the end I’ll reveal myself to those who seek, So will I your knowledge now extend And show you Creation’s each building brick.   “I am the Almighty Lord of All, The Maker of all heavens and earth With the Beings therein both big and small, And Dispenser of life-giving breath. I am the Radiating Source of Life Whose shape no creature has ever seen. My Light brought the Divine Sphere to life And gave form to all things found therein. My Light was to the Divine confined, But then I was by Compassion moved To extend my Light and form mankind That thereby my Will and Love be proved. It was then I said ‘Let there be Light’, Sending thus my Holy Spirit out That He radiates through the deepest night And should bring Creation thereby about. This Spirit I clad in Purest White And anchored at where Creation began That through Him I may always unite With the Primordial Beings and Man.   “These Primordial Ones whom first I made Dwell in the topmost Spiritual Realm, And were those I in my image made While all others developed from them. It’s below them that lies Paradise Which remains forever more your home And beyond which you can never rise No matter how strong you had become. Though Paradise first brought you to life, You were not able to bear my Light, And thus to grow strong you had to strive And descend first to earth from that height Where my Light is not intense as such Because of its great distance from me, For there the soil is conducive much To spur you on to maturity.   “I equipped the earth with every tool You were to use and enhance your growth. The whole earth also you were to rule, Loving everything and not to loathe. Of all tools with which you were endowed You can’t dispense with the intellect For it was this alone which allowed Your spirit to fully take effect That you may on earth be understood And make full use of things found therein. But this tool was much misunderstood And against it Man committed sin By lifting it to a lofty height Which was only for his spirit meant. The intellect then increased in might And sought the spirit to represent. The tree of life, which the spirit is, Was thus not given a chance to grow And where it did not completely cease The growth then became so painfully slow.   “A spirit whose growth is hindered not Always freely strives upwards to me, And just cannot harbour any thought Of doing what may cause disharmony. But since the spirit’s leadership role Was given the intellect instead, Man then lost sight of his earthly goal And brought up evil on earth to spread. Sorrow and death then approached mankind And everything was dragged to the ground. All thoughts of my Will were pushed behind, And thus everywhere darkness abound. Should I then regret that Man I made And sent him down to earth to mature, Since he bound himself to earth instead And became a mere caricature?   “But still I in love sought after him That he may on earth respite obtain And that his spirit I may redeem So life on earth need not be in vain. I then sent prophets across his way That his heart may back to me be won, But all those prophets were chased away Till I had to send at last my Son. What befell my Son you know of course – How He was hated and much despised Until at last was nailed to the cross After He had been mocked and chastised. Though I once told men ‘Thou shalt not kill’, They later were bold enough to claim That the death of my Son was my will – Just to absolve themselves thus from blame. But my Son’s blood seeks vengeance on earth, And must be avenged to the last drop, Until men imbue with life their faith And bring their presumption to a stop.   “Listen, you who have chosen to seek: The ways of men never are my own… For though men claim I am mild and meek, My severity they’ve not yet known! Be not deceived, for I can’t be mocked: Whate’er men sow must they also reap. And now most men will indeed be shocked When my wrath will over mankind sweep, For since they have dragged down everything, Sowing seeds of discord, hate and death In line with their intellect’s prompting, So must they reap their fruits there on earth. In the past I’ve always intervened But my forbearance is ended now So that those who against me have sinned Must henceforth my lonely furrow plough.   “Instead of men to seek salvation, They seek to find in each other fault And fight themselves for their religion, Hoping thereby for a good result. But I gave it not to anyone To kill others or destruction sow, And judgment is to be passed by none, But all men should in harmony grow. Let no one think he could fight for me And hope thus my kingdom to extend, For if he leaves not men to be free, Rather than please me he will offend. The only true religion is love, And whoso lacks love pleases me not And won’t be able to rise above The earthly realm when it has to rot. Let your light so shine among mankind That they know it’s me you truly serve, And should the path of righteousness find So that they may thus their life preserve.   “Now concerning what comes after death I’ll not leave you ignorant to be, Lest you’ll be afraid to leave the earth Since you are not certain of what you’ll see: You are like a child I sent to school Who returns at an appointed time. If while there you behaved like a fool, Then you’ll fear when the school bell should chime To announce it’s time to go back home – Since you’re aware of what wrong you did And would thus wish to stay back from home So you won’t answer for your misdeed; But if while in school you did your work And went all out to achieve your aim, Then in you will no fear ever lurk Since you know you’ll not get any blame.   “So that you should labour not in vain There is a reward or price to pay, For the good you do must bring some gain Since my Commandments you did obey; Whereas if ‘twas bad you chose to do, And thus my Commandments contravene, Retribution has to come to you So you pay for it and then be clean. It is true then that hell does exist – Though it was men who brought it about – So that those who dare my Will resist Live therein when they’ll from earth be out. But those who have always sought my way Should have no doubt as to where they’ll go When from the earth they will fly away So they give not falsehood room to grow.   “Your whole existence is only one, Spanning Paradise right down to earth, And threads of fate while on earth you spun Go with you beyond your stay on earth. Also you are always just the same Whether you are on earth or beyond. You cannot change your spiritual name, But just the soul bodies that you donned. Thus earthly death is only a change Of the outmost body that you wear, For death in itself is nothing strange And should therefore not be met with fear. Death does not bring you an endless sleep, Nor do you become unconscious thus, But it provides you the chance to slip Out of the flesh which remains as dross. It’s this flesh alone that turns to dust While your spirit still keeps living on. If at death your consciousness be lost, Your days on earth would for naught have gone.   “It’s death that opens the only door Through which you proceed to Paradise, But if with you still remains some flaw Then you cannot immediately rise But have to tarry awhile in hell And remain bound to the earthly plane… Though how long ‘twill last you cannot tell, For not until you come to disdain Such faults and the wrongful way you go You must still remain bound to the earth And continuously experience woe Till you meet therein eternal death. But if you have always done my Will, Death will be for you a joyful thing Since it does not bring you any ill But rather provides for you the wing With which you’ll fly home to Paradise Which remains your home forever more – For when you sever all earthly ties, Therein will live your spiritual core.   “Hope not to meet me when you are home For it is not therein that I stay, And where I am you can never come But must remain from me far away. If I should reveal myself to you Then I do so with the human form, Since in anything I have to do I must to my perfect Laws conform. Thus I do go to earth as a Man That men may thereby my Glory see. Should I not do so they never can Rise to where I am to live with me. But no longer will I go to earth For I’ve been there before – even twice – But men always rushed my flesh to death And thus reject my great sacrifice.   “But I now demand sacrifice from men If they wish to return safely home, For very soon will the earthly plane And beyond to my Last Judgment come, That at last they should come to an end, For the sins of men have dragged them down, Causing disbalance without an end, Right from the time when men lost their crown. Those who cannot get themselves away From the earth ere it falls into ruin Will then have the supreme price to pay, For the consciousness that theirs had been Must then become a thing of the past, For after untold suffering and pain Their spirit will have to die at last Since they made their life to be in vain.   “But before the earth comes to an end, There will be a thousand years of peace In which human will with mine must blend That all the evil on earth should cease. Although I still wish to save mankind, They oppose my Will with all their might, And as to my Love they once were blind, Fighting furiously to quench my Light, So do they today with total disbelief Struggle against my Spirit of Truth, Preferring in their darkness to live And disregarding my Light of Truth. But for sure my Will on earth must reign So that my promise should be fulfilled: And therefore whether in joy or pain, Mankind for once to my Will must yield.   “But since men will not freely adjust To do what my Will demands of them, They must do so with a heavy cost And to great sorrow themselves condemn. Thus the dismal fate of men today Is their fault for not heeding my Will, And will even now be turned away If they would at last my Will fulfil; But should their stubbornness still remain, Then will their suffering not have an end Until they depart the earthly plane Since they did not otherwise intend. Then will the earth be left free and clean For those who will to my Will adhere That the Millennium should then begin And the earth also good fruits should bear. Thereafter will the Last Judgment come So that the whole earth should fall apart – But then you would have flown safely home If successfully you had played your part.”   – Victor Emmanuel Uwah, Poems from without, 1997

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