TB Joshua’s last moments, how he died


Prophet Temitope Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) was conducting a church service when he suddenly felt uncomfortable, it has been learnt.

The popular prophet, sources said, passed away around 2am, hours after he walked to his apartment midway into the service, presumably to get some rest.

Born on June 12, 1963, Prophet TB Joshua died six days to his 58th birthday.

It was gathered that Joshua had walked out of the church to his apartment when he felt uncomfortable during the service that commenced around 6pm on Saturday.

Although it was not clear at what point he left the hall, The Nation learnt he had officiated the service for some hours before he stepped out.

His aides and members, it was gathered, thought he was going for a quick break but became anxious when he didn’t return after a long time.

It was gathered that when he did not return, his aides went to check on him but found him in an uncomfortable/unusual position.

A former aide and close family friend of the late cleric told The Nation close relatives and friends were protecting and consoling his wife.

Although the cause of death was not disclosed, the source said the entire place is to be “sanitised”.

According to him, the prophet had asked most of his aides to work from home as a because of COVID-19 pandemic.

“Those who were left with him were mostly some Britons, a few personal aides, who lived in the premises.

“I got a call around 2am that Senior Prophet was dead. I had to quickly get in touch with his family and it was confirmed.

” We do not really have details now but I can tell you he was ministering when he suddenly took ill and left the church to rest,” he said.

Confirming Joshua’s death, Lagos Police Commissioner (CP) Hakeem Odumosu said he was officially pronounced dead by a hospital around 3am.

Odomuso said: “It is true he is dead. I do not know the cause of his death yet. But the information we have is that he was conducting service, along the line, he felt uncomfortable, walked to his apartment himself and never came back.

“His people thought he probably wanted to rest or refresh but when they didn’t see him after a long while, they went in search of him and found him in an unusual position.

“The service started in the evening. But it was around 3am that he was pronounced dead by a hospital.”

The church said Joshua’s last words to his members were “watch and pray.”

He was said to have also reminded them there was time for everything before he left the church hall.

The popular cleric, who was the founder and General Overseer of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), died on Saturday accoding to the church.

It said Joshua died in Lagos on Saturday after concluding a church programme.

His last words, according to the church, were “Watch and pray.”

Joshua was 57.

The church made the announcement in a post on the TB Joshua Ministries official Facebook handle.

The post reads: “PROPHET TB JOSHUA – JUNE 12th 1963 to JUNE 5th 2021

“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7

‘’On Saturday 5th June 2021, Prophet TB Joshua spoke during the Emmanuel TV Partners Meeting: “Time for everything – time to come here for prayer and time to return home after the service.

‘’God has taken His servant Prophet TB Joshua home – as it should be by divine will. His last moments on earth were spent in the service of God. This is what he was born for, lived for and died for.

‘’As Prophet TB Joshua says, “The greatest way to use life is to spend it on something that will outlive it”.

‘’Prophet TB Joshua leaves a legacy of service and sacrifice to God’s Kingdom that is living for generations yet unborn.

‘’The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations and Emmanuel TV Family appreciate your love, prayers and concern at this time and request a time of privacy for the family.

‘’Here are Prophet TB Joshua’s last words: “Watch and pray.”

‘’One life for Christ is all we have; one life for Christ is so dear.’’

The Nation

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