Pedal edema is the name given to swollen lower leg, it is accumulation of fluids in the lower extremity of the leg.
Edema happens when our small blood vessels release fluid into nearby tissues. The extra fluid builds up, which makes the tissue swell.
It can be caused from some health issues or in case of pregnancy and not enough physical activity.
Some of the health issues that can cause pedal edema are progressive kidney failure, heart weakness, liver problems, etc.
Apart from causes from health issues, below are some other causes of swollen leg.
Excessive Intake of Sodium
Always adding extra table salt to food is one of the commonest ways of ingesting excess sodium. Another way is through junk foods which always have loads of sodium added as a form of preservative and taste enhancement.
Try to replace the table salt with Himalayan or any sea salt, and avoid taking junk foods.
Potassium deficiency
We need potassium for maintaining normal water balance in the body. Potassium reduces the sodium levels, thus reducing water retention.
Fruits such as water melon, banana, mango, etc are rich in potassium.
Deficiency in Magnesium
We need to consume food rich with magnesium such as dried fruits, dark chocolate, peas, spinach, nuts, whole grains and avocados to prevent and reverse edema.
Vitamin B6 Deficiency
This vitamin is responsible for controlling a number of water balance aspects in the body, so if we have lack of it, the edema will appear. To prevent water retention we should consume more turkey, chicken, tuna, bananas, dried fruit, lean beef, and sunflower seeds.
Most people wait until they are very thirsty before taking necessary action. And at such time when all that the body needs is just water, they give it other fluids like sodas, teas, beer, etc. The thirst may be quenched but the body’s need for water still remains unattended to.
Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration. When this happens to our body constantly it retains water. In these situations we must drink water regularly.
Beneficial herbs for Reducing Edema
Corn silk
For those afflicted with the health problems of swollen legs, remedy in teabag form containing corn silk, onion peels and other ingredients, all of which have been confirmed as good remedy for reversing swollen legs due to excess fluid retention, is available.
Dr. Kayode Oseni is the Chief Consultant,
Alayo Health and Wellness Centre,
Abeokuta, Ogun State.