By Sola Adeyegbe
Glossolalia or speaking in tongues is a phenomenon in which people appear to speak in languages unknown to them.
This phenomena has been linked by many to the signs that follow those who believe in Christ. It is also believed in many circles that a person who speaks in unknown tongues is showing the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Let it be pointed out immediately that glossolalia has also been seen in recordings of non-Christian rituals from Africa, Indonesia and Japan.
Many who indulge in this practice these days seek to link it with the Biblical account of the Pentecost. It is worthy of note that this account as recorded in Acts chapter 2, was that when the Apostles spoke, each person in attendance “heard their own language being spoken”. The people from different places who were present said: we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
In other words, the audience heard and ‘understood’ the Apostles; and not that what was spoken was a sort of balderdash. The explanation here could only be that the intensity of the Power from on high on that day had the effect that when the Apostles spoke, all present were able to understand them.
We may wish to add that there is a phenomenon called xenonalia where a person speaks in a human language which he has not previously learnt. This can be an exhibition of an alien soul speaking through an earthman.
Again, some who need the experience may be permitted to hear and express human languages spoken in times past as was the case with Therese Neumann of Konnersreuth a stigmatic who was able to hear in spirit talk about the crucifixion of Jesus, which she relayed in the language of that time to the amazement of language experts.
If you talk to the practitioners of glossolalia today, who utter unknown words, some will honestly tell you that they started it willfully and became used to it by practice! It is even said that classes are held these days to attain proficiency in speaking in tongues! How genuine can this be? Is that prayer?
Be that as it may, let us realise that living in accordance with the Will of our Creator which is tantamount to living in love is more important than speaking in tongues. Therefore in 1st Corinthians 13 we find these words: If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled.
May we come to a better understanding that praying to the Almighty Father need not involve drama and hocus-pocus. Instead of this, let us begin our day with truly heartfelt gratitude to God and finish it with equally heartfelt gratitude even if it be only gratitude for the lesson we have learned on this day through experiencing.