Song of comfort

The Poet's Corner

Be not envious of the workers of iniquity

Who abound everywhere, both in country and city,

For the Lord won’t make them abide too long in the land,

But will scatter them and destroy all that they had planned.

Don’t ever be afraid when threatened with what they have,

Nor be sad at heart when at you they will turn to laugh,

For it is the Lord Who gives them a long rope to pull

So that at last the grave will turn out to be their school.

There’s no need that the wicked should ever vex your mind,

For as long as you have to the Lord your life resigned,

He will cover you and fight the wicked for your sake,

Who in distress and sorrow will not get any break.

Love not the wicked because of what you hope to get,

Nor incline your heart to serve them in their rich estate,

So that when they will be struck by the hand of the Lord

You won’t be there to suffer too the pangs from His sword.

Satisfy yourself with the Commandments and rejoice,

For though the wicked turn away from them in their choice,

The Lord won’t fail to descend on them who so transgress,

While the faithful and righteous ones will be shown His grace.

  • Victor Emmanuel Uwah, Poems From Without, 1997

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