Smile wins battles without firing a shot


By Banji Ayoola

Cheerful hearty laughter or smile wins many a battle without the warrior firing a single shot.

One of the most effective weapons for winning battles is cheerful, hearty laughter, the strongest protection against everything that is dark or evil.

A derivative of this is hearty, cheerful smile. When we smile or laugh cheerfully and heartily, we send out and radiate a warm glow which electrifies our surroundings and spread joy all around us.

We then become a magnet that attracts and is overwhelmed by similar radiations from out of the Cosmos. We become an anchor stone for many of our fellow human beings who feel automatically powerfully attracted or drawn towards us.

We give, help and serve them by this. And at the same time help ourselves. And help to spread joy, happiness and light which shall now be everywhere on earth.

We thereby automatically become a menace, indeed a terror to the Darkness which is compelled to flee away from us; and which will be swept off this earth.

Therefore I shall henceforth laugh and smile cheerfully purely often, very often.

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