‘Should I run away from my country?’

Nigeria Opinion

By Sola Adeyegbe

Today, my country Nigeria is facing a lot of challenges! To the North are a group who have taken a stand that Westernisation is sacrilege and are committed to a Jihad. In the South-East there have been agitations for secession by a group. Recently, the South-East and the South-South witnessed sustained attacks on security officials and their formations by suspected dissidents such that in some areas policemen are no longer in sight!  In the Western part of the country there are also agitations for self-determination and security issues. In many parts of the country, violent herdsmen and farmers are in constant conflict making it possible that the country might be facing food shortages soon. Across the country, kidnapping, banditry, and mindless violence holds sway, making it appear as though the government forces are helpless.

Apart from these security challenges, there are perceived corrupt practices in government and private sectors, forebodings of a poor economic future, while the global pandemic remains a threat. The country scores low in all the indices used for measuring human development: health, education, and a decent standard of living.  It seems that the country is being undermined by its own people and its own leaders. Many have even described the country as a failed State!

Should we run away from the country? 
When faced with a perceived harmful situation, attack, or threat to survival, the physiological response is fight or flight. How viable are these options given our circumstance? Who do we fight? Can we take up arms to defend ourselves against groups with sophisticated weapons? If we decide to take flight, where do we run to? Can we afford the material resources and the psychological demands of suddenly relocating to another country? Are the other countries better as places of refuge? Are these other countries not battling with their own concerns such as the ravaging Covid-19 and economic downturns? Are we willing to face the risk of experiencing police brutality, hatred for refugees, racism, xenophobia, and financial challenges that sometimes come with relocating to another country?  

It is time to pause and consider what had led us to this point. Perhaps this will lead us to a better understanding of our situation and give us clarity on what we need to do.  The whole world is now facing the result of all the past happenings. The chickens have come home to roost, the time of harvest has come, but the fruits are bitter. What we are witnessing now are the effects of a Law that rules the world: the Law of sowing and reaping. Mankind has for long sown disobedience to the Will of God and now we must pay. Our selfish, inconsiderate, and greedy actions are now coming back fully multiplied and appear as mindless corruption, senseless violence, and irritable behaviour all over.

Millennia of indulgence in unwholesome thoughts have now brought the absence of peace and happiness and the emergence of strange diseases. These results are not peculiar to any country as the planet is presently engulfed in the effects of the World Judgement now in force. The effects of the World Judgement relate to countries, nations, groups, families, and the individual. A calm observance of news headlines across the globe attest to this. A calm observation of the incredible circumstances of your own life and of those around you gives credence to this. If you run from one country to the other, your report card follows you to your new location without fail as there is no place to hide for anyone! 

What can we do? Our past decisions and actions have brought us to where we are now. The way out is to change our decisions and actions and turn  towards all that is good. This way, we will be sowing new seeds that will bring about a better tomorrow. There is no need to fight anyone, but we need to conquer our propensity for choosing what is evil in thought word and deed. We need not run away from our country but as Apostle Paul said, we need to stay away or run away from all forms of evil. \

Instead of fighting or taking flight, let us make an inner change, let us relate with our neighbour with pure love, let us respect him voluntarily, let us live to his joy, seek his welfare, and help him where he needs help. Let us also speak up for justice and equity in the management of the affairs of the country while we do the same in our own areas of influence up to the level of person-to-person relationships. These are the weapons we need at this time which will give us the victory we seek. 

In conclusion, let us realise that the coming years still have a lot of incisive and earth-shaking happenings in store for mankind. This is because the process of the World Judgement and the God Willed Purification of the world must proceed to their logical conclusion.  However, all true believers in God do not need be alarmed at the impending happenings. If we keep abiding by the Laws of God and look up to His Omnipotence in tranquil confidence, no harm shall come to us!

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