Quest for technology in affairs of man


By Abdu Rafiu

I have decided to take more questions today out of the awareness that there are many issues, serious and perplexing, bothering a great many for which they have been seeking answers.

The issues have even become more confounding following the gruesome death of the young Blackman, George Floyd. This brought in its wake a re-defining moment in race relations in the Western world, particularly in the United States.

Floyd’s shocking death through chokehold in the hands of the police triggered revolting multi-racial street protests. Where lies the fault that the Blackman has been “such an underling” in practically everywhere in the world? However, reactions to subjects treated by this column need not be on race or racial relations alone. They should be issues-based and subject-specific.

Here we go today:
1). What is the place of the quest for and use of technology in the affairs of humans especially in its instrumentality in successfully subjugating the Blackman?
Response: The quest for and use of technology in the affairs of humans come about through the attempts by man to find solutions to the practical challenges and problems confronting them.

When such applied technology comes to the public domain, the motive for its use cannot be attributed solely to serving as instruments for the subjugation of the Blackman.

Indeed, the Blackman is often even able to use such technology to his benefit in the fields of Agriculture, Medicine, Transport, Construction, Manufacturing, Communications etc. The benefits of technology do not only accrue to its innovator but to the consumers and users.

The blacks themselves have been involved in technological developments and inventions, although strictly speaking there are no inventions, but revelations and discoveries. Has it not been said that the Lord gives to His Own in their sleep? What we call inventions already exist, fashioned in the plane called medium gross matter, where elemental beings, the executive servants of the Almighty have their workshop. The technologies are revealed to those who are open and humble, and who preoccupy themselves with these. Even the most surprising skill of a craftsman, it is revealed in Creation Knowledge, is drawn from higher and finer planes. They are brought correspondent to the level of development of the world and the needs of mankind. Time was when man depended on hoes. The blacksmiths of the time were taught how to fashion hoes by elemental beings. Today we have all manner of machines from tractors to harvesters and to crushers. We today boast of caterpillars and cranes. It was not long we threw the analogue telephones out of the window. Every schoolchild today has a cell phone tucked in his bag. Indeed, we are told the best is not yet here on earth. In finer planes, there are far more for mankind to draw from; and they are in perfect forms.

Some of the Black men who have come off with inventions are Bailes, Wm who invented Ladder Scaffold-Support; Beard, Andrew J who invented Rotary Engine Car Coupler. Binga M.W invented Street Sprinkling Apparatus. Berger Edmond invented the Spark plug. Bath, Patricia invented The Cataract Laserphaco Probe and Brooks, Charles B. invented the Street Sweeper. There are many more black men and women who have achieved a feat in technological innovations. The Blackman could, therefore, not have invented tools for his own subjugation.

As with other inventions, they may be subject to abuse such as when they are deployed to harm others. Mankind has gone to device instruments of mass destruction, for example. It is correct to observe that most of the “inventions” and technological developments have been made by the Blacks in America and Europe mainly. But they are Blacks all the same. This column hastens to say that revelations and access to the Table of the Lord which is richly laden are not dependent on colour of man but on how he stands in his inner being. It is the state of the soul that counts in all things and what it may need for its spiritual advancement.

It is up to the Blackman in Africa, however, to deploy his own indigenous ingenuity and talent, to work on and present innovations that provide solutions to various problems.

The present self-limiting practices and pursuits arising from an absence of focused development, that result in a stunted pace of technological development, cannot, therefore, be blamed on those who have channelled their resources towards achieving it or who may have beamed rays of a certain degree of humility and warmth of soul. It is best not to “play the victim” in this matter but to address the problem from its root cause which is mainly the absence of inner effort to pursue undertakings with diligence and commitment, in other words, the indolence of the spirit coupled with poor education.

We should always bear in mind the fact that the stronger always overcomes what is weak through the attraction of similar species to achieve what we desire, what we may call the osmotic law. The indolent in spirit invariably fail to make the effort to affect the essential attraction needed for success and thus fall behind.

This hearkens to the saying, “from him that hath not (the weak one), even that which he hath shall be taken away”. The weak one, therefore, has only himself to blame.

2). What should we say about predominantly White and Brown countries) who are resisting Black people from forming a significant proportion of their population? Are they racists or just taking precautions against “Floyd incidents” soiling their countries?
This is a question which touches on the rights of a people to develop among their own kind. To present an answer, we would need to avoid judging from present-day circumstances alone but venture into the distant past and the genesis of races once more. Initially, the different races were only to be found in specific regions on the face of the earth.

The main differences between these peoples at the time could be identified physically and spiritually. It was easy to discern their physical attributes such as their hair, skin complexion and facial features. More striking, however, were their ways, habits, customs, traditions, and culture. They also generally adopted and practised belief systems that set them apart from others. This latter feature gave evidence of their spiritual disposition. They found fulfilment in keeping to their homogeneous kind among whom they could experience progressive development on soil that was familiar to them.

Later, human activities and interventions such as conquests, migrations and economic activities led to a dispersal of many members of these core groups. Even in cases of migration, it was common for these groups to maintain their cultural identities wherever they went. In addition, there were forced migrations due to inhospitable conditions, natural disasters, and human trafficking such as occurred in the trans-Atlantic slave trade in which large numbers of people were seized and transported to distant lands and enslaved. Very often the slaves were forced to adopt the ways of their captors and masters.

When they were eventually freed, however, it became glaring that marked differences existed between them and their host communities, not in terms of innate intelligence or professional skills but mainly in their way of life and spiritual disposition. The tendency of a people, conscious of their needs for self-development, indeed, their preference will always be to live with and among their homogenous type even when they are confined with others to one geographical space. Dr. Stephen Lampe says in his monumental book, “Building Future Societies”: “This should come as no surprise in the light of the Law of Homogeneity. It must be easier for those who have a great deal in common to live together than it would be for people who differ in many respects. This natural tendency cannot be legislated against; it must always be taken into account.”

That is why today, you will find the existence and adoration of similar deities in the descendant Africans of freed slaves in Brazil in South America and the Yoruba of West Africa even though they live on different continents.

The resulting absence of a homogenous culture in multicultural environments has often led to frequent frictions and a divide between the racial groups, which had only been superficially brought together through man-made circumstances borne out of political and economic considerations contrary to lawfulness in Creation. In a similar way, even within one race, strong ethnic sentiments can often lead to a desire to live apart sensing a drive they are hardly able to explain.

All races, however, were at one time, willed by God. Each had its own natural endowments and talents which could be developed to the highest level of attainment, to find true fulfilment. Were it otherwise, then, there would have been only one race here on earth. That it is not so, is evidence that it was not meant to be so.

These races were expected to live in harmony, whereby each gave to the other, from out of its own strengths, resulting in mutual benefits for all of them, with neither dominating the other but existing side by side. Unfortunately, this has not happened as we can see from the abysmal failures everywhere.
Accordingly, the following lesson may now be drawn:

“In the advancement of its own culture alone lies true progress for each of the peoples! There must naturally be an ascent in everything and no standstill. But this upward progress must always take place upon and out of its own soil, not through adopting foreign things, otherwise, it is never progress,” according to Creation Knowledge spreading on earth today.

The present-day desire of the races to keep to their own paths of development, therefore, is not necessarily racism as each race should be developing its own region of the world instead of imposing its presence on the peoples of foreign countries. We may need to ask ourselves: If it is said as Above so below meaning as Above so must it be below, what is it like Above? Is mankind on earth not supposed to be guided by that? In the Beyond, people are separated, and each person lives strictly among his own kind, dictated by the maturity of his soul or lack of it. Radiant souls live far in the land of beauty and splendour while darkened souls live in the dark region suffused with torment, and hellish conditions.

The ponderousness of the body on earth, compounded by the disobedience of the Laws of Creation blurs the divisions and makes it possible for the good and the bad to mingle or share neighbourhoods. This gives us the window of opportunities to learn in love, if we choose, from one another here on earth than it is possible in the Beyond! It is, therefore, said that it is easier to make progress in regards to spiritual enlightenment on earth than it is in the Beyond.

Of course, there are other considerations for discouraging other races into the fold of the Brown and White races, among which are, prevention of cultural dilution, and economic protection. In this respect, one can especially observe that migration is usually never to poor countries, but to those that are perceived to be affluent, hence this class of people are referred to as economic migrants.
How strange that many mock and run down their own country while not doing much themselves to support her development.

3). The Blackman in his native countries—what is he doing? Why is his progress so slow? Why does he prefer to die in the seas and deserts rather than being a slave in and salvaging his own country? Japanese worked in their country like slaves and when prosperity came, they are enjoying it together).

The answers to these align with the responses given in Question 2 and may, therefore, only be read in conjunction with some additional points.

Understandably, these questions arise from the factual observation that the Blackman has not developed in the modern sense as rapidly as the other races.

Several reasons have been given for this, among which for example, are the disruptions encountered through being conquered and/or being enslaved, leading to a stagnation in a wholesome development. The inevitable consequence is what we see today. The Blackman is, however, not completely helpless.

He has come a long way nevertheless and his endurance of the torments and abuses by foreign powers throughout a turbulent history is evidence of his determination to survive. This said, notwithstanding, there is at present not much to show by way of real development. The consequences of these experiences simply indicate what occurs when the direct path to the realization of goals is disrupted through a derailment of the normal course of development.

What then can the Blackman do or be doing to quicken his progress?
Firstly, we would need to go back to the basics which entail a focused effort required for progress. Through much distraction, such as experimenting with alien ideas, we have largely been unsuccessful in managing our affairs, thereby becoming prone to exploitation by others. In several cases, some individuals from within connive with foreigners to fleece the land of its resources without any consideration for how it would have benefitted the generality of the people.

Addressing the moral deficits that engender these negative character traits, will entail a transformation of revolutionary dimensions. The man of today is incapable of achieving this unless he once more reconsiders his wrong ways and changes for the better. This means that he must perforce overcome his spiritual indolence, desist from all known forms of indecency, and commit to familiarising himself with the Will of God, having a good grasp of what It means and living in accordance with It. This singular resolve will already bring about the goodness of heart that removes all impediments to development and progress, such as, poor leadership, unresponsive followership, corruption, low levels of self-esteem, low motivation, and a lack of love for one’s neighbour. There can be neither development nor progress for mankind any longer without their first seeking and aligning with the Will of God. Not any more in these unusual times.

As correctly implied in the question, the Blackman should promote his own development and not expect others to do so, without at the same time, losing opportunities that could otherwise benefit his people.
This important change starts with YOU and ME!

The Guardian

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