By Banji Ayoola
One who truly serves in accordance with the Holy Will in all his or her thoughts, words and deeds, stands in His Great Omnipotence.
He stands in a rampart of super-earthly protection and radiance, before which the Darkness and its troops must retreat. Must.
He or she is in the majority because his or her volition harmonises with the collective volition of the overwhelming and countless number of numerous servants of the Lord, who stand in service at numerous duty posts in all the spheres of Creation.
Anyone outside this luminous and powerful Chain is doomed. He is a homeless minority.
Of all the numerous spheres and planes of Creation, it is only in the lowest and tiniest sphere, the World of Gross Matter, of which the earth is just a planet, that evils and impurities or Darkness exist.
In all other spheres above Gross Matter, it is luminous and radiant all the way, and all the beings that are allowed shelter there know only peace, joy and service to the Lord, Who is enthroned far above, and radiating to, all the Worlds.
On the top of this Chain of joyful servants, are the exemplary Master Servants of our Lord and King, who in their activity, praise the Most High endlessly.
It is good to be part of this Chain.