On citrus

Natural Health

By Kayode Oseni

All Citrus Fruits like Lemon, Lime, Orange, Tangerine, etc belong to the same family and thus have something in common, i.e, they are all rich in vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins. They can thus be used interchangeably.

However, each one is also unique in that it possesses something which others may not have.

Lemon and Lime are very similar, both are very rich in vitamin C, but Lemon also has more potassium than lime. Also, the alkalizing property of lemon when it is consumed is stronger than that of lime. So if a recipe specifies lemon,use lemon. But where lemon isn’t available, one may use lime instead.

While on this topic let me quickly add that most of us have been using the CITRUS fruits in a wrong way. Most of us simply suck the juice directly from these fruits, or squeeze out the juice. The rich flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, needed to mop up free radicals from the body, are concentrated in the inner covering (the whitish covering) immediately below the outermost cover.

It is thus better to eat the pulps after sucking the juice, or blend that covering together when making a smoothie from any citrus.

Another good way to maximize the benefits of CITRUS is to simply wash it, and cut into slices. One or two slices (with the complete outer coverings intact) placed in one’s green tea is highly beneficial.

Let us remember that our fore-fathers simply cut the whole fruit into small pieces and add to their herbal concoctions.

Dr Oseni is the Chief Consultant, Alayo Health Centre, Abeokuta

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