By Banji Ayoola
From the beginning of Creation, several millions of years ago, the perfect, incorruptible, unbending, unchangeable and irrevocable Laws of the Almighty Father, the Most High and Creator of all had been in existence governing all that He had created, everything that has ever come into being in all the planes of existence of His beautiful Creation.This starts from the uppermost level the spiritual world down to the physical world of Gross Matter including the earth.
And These Laws, unmovable and supreme over every other thing, have been working and governing every part of His Creation ever since the human beings were allowed to descend from our spiritual home, Paradise high above into matter, onto the Earth. Human beings who, as the crown, the sovereign rulers in matter, on earth endowed with special abilities and gifts bestowed on no other creatures, to complete the cycling and extend, ennoble and advance or develop further coarse matter, this Earth in accordance with the Divine Laws already in existence.
And for several thousands of years before the crucifixion of the Son of God Jesus, the Law of His Father the Fifth Commandment “Thou shalt not kill!” sent down through Moses, had been on Earth. In fact, the most highly inwardly developed of earthly human beings had regarded the entire Ten Commandments as the highest, the most precious, the sublimest and most revered of all treasures in their conception and knowledge of the Most High!
“Thou shalt not kill!” The Law expressly and most unambiguously decreed. Here the Law clearly forbids physical and non physical murder as well!
Remarkably, when He saw that mankind was heading towards definite destruction, towards annihilation with the wrong path we had taken, the Almighty Father in His unimaginable Mercy sent a Part of Himself Who is His Love, His Son Jesus, to bring His Word to the erring mankind on Earth.
The Coming of Jesus was to avert the impending disaster by inducing us to retrace our wrong steps and turn back towards the only true path that unquestionably and definitely assures true progress, peace and our well being, the path of His Father’s Holy Will as expressed in His Laws. Thus Jesus was sent to bring the Word of His Father Which is nothing other than the explanation of His Laws in another simpler manner the mankind of that time could easily grasp.
Mankind who had chosen a wrong path away from the one Willed by the Lord, a wrong path which, without a higher help, was definitely leading to our own destruction.
And so the Saviour chose the method of stories telling as if addressing children, known as the famous parables, to explain the Laws of His Father to mankind once again. The Laws of His Father That had once been given to mankind on Earth in the Ten Commandments.
But sadly, we rebelled against Him and His Mission Which was to bring the Word of His Father. Thus mankind rejected the Help of His Father; we rejected the Word of His Father. We arrested, persecuted, humiliated, mocked, tortured and nailed Jesus to the Cross as a common criminal. Hung in agony on the crucifix for several hours in the burning rays of the sun, He the Son of God bled to death on that darkest day ever in human history.
And as His Earth-life was expiring before He breathed His last, He uttered the momentous words “It is finished!” To signify the end of His most horrifying experience through and in the hands of mankind He had come to help without making any accusation against us.
And before uttering these words, He, the Love of His Father, had, in the greatest intercession ever, begged His Father thus: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!”
Notably, this sad incident, this most brutal crucifixion of the pure innocent Son of God had caused great unease in Nature, which together with the elements and the beings had violently protested; there were instant earthquakes around the scene of the crucifixion; furiously incensed by this deliberate crime, they were set to destroy mankind and the earth; the curtains separating the Holy of Holies from humanity in the Temple was rent in twain as a symbol that Divinity, most brutally rejected, persecuted and crucified by mankind, was not needed and would no longer set foot on earth; darkness had enveloped everywhere in Golgotha even in the afternoon with people at the scene, frightened, confused and breathless, running here and there groping in the darkness.
And the Father was merciful, as He again in His unimaginable Love, yielded to the intercession of His agonising Son, a most surprising Act Which calmed the disturbance and stemmed the destruction already set in motion.
Any other interpretation which justified or glossed over this most sorrowful incident as propitiatory sacrifice is a cover-up of this our collective worst crime in history and an attempt to further confuse and mislead mankind and thus complicate further our problems.
Now we know that the Almighty, Who is Love is also Justice at the same time. With the hostile reception accorded the Word of God in His Son leading to His regrettable persecution and eventual crucifixion, mankind had sown terrible seeds which later on germinated and blossomed into horrible fruits being reaped ever since till today by mankind in several earth-lives of suffering in accordance with the adamantine Law of Sowing and Reaping of His Father; and as He Himself expressly stated in His Teaching: “What a man sows that shall he reap.”
We had violated the Laws Which express the Holy Will of His Father.
Notably the three Laws of: Sowing and Reaping; Reciprocal Action; and Homogeneity, Which form the fundamental cornerstones of the Holy Will of His Almighty Father, the Creator of all and the Most High were explained in the Ten Commandments as they were in the Parables, Sermons on the Mount, all Teachings, Words and the entire Earth-life of the Son of God Jesus.
Thus from that most sorrowful moment, mankind had been subjected to the consequences of that ugliest incident in our history: the brutal nailing to the Cross of the Son of God in gross violation of His Father’s incorruptible, unbending, irrevocable and supreme Laws, Which express His Justice to the finest shade.