By Banji Ayoola
The worsening strange ailments, and diseases, and the increasing sudden deaths afflicting mankind on earth today, result from our noncompliance with, or disregard of the order in Nature as streams from the Holy Will of the Almighty Father.
From the pervasive ignorance of the Natural Laws governing the entire Creation, Which express His Holy Will on earth, and Which work for the benefit of all human beings and creatures without discrimination.
We are to blame for the resultant wars that have ever flared up everywhere on earth, and that still, are ravaging mankind on earth anywhere today; and for the chaos, and confusion now threatening human existence on earth.
To reverse the increasing degeneration, we need to pause and learn a great lesson from Nature on how to comply with the order which, since the beginning of Creation, the Holy Will of the Almighty Father prescribed for our harmonious existence, living and working on earth, in a way that will always assure our well being and good health.
And thereby eradicate the afflictions, chaos, and confusion tormenting mankind everywhere on earth today.
A great lesson for us: The four seasons, in strict accordance with the order in Nature, flowing from the Holy Will of the Almighty Father, punctually stream into, and grow out of one another harmoniously without interruption, without retardation or haste. Without strike or protest, without hitches.
Thus spring, autumn, summer, and winter successively grow out of, and flow into, one another regularly, and at the exact time stipulated by the order in Nature. Not an hour earlier or later.
Also, the moon, sun, air, water, and the earth exist and work together harmoniously in line with the order stipulated by Nature.
They all work together punctually without one disturbing or hampering the other; and in an astounding regularity, which should serve us too as models for our lives on earth.
These elements of Nature exist and work side by side harmoniously, without one disturbing, or interfering with the other.
The sunlight and moonlight regularly, and punctually too, grow or flow into, and grow from out of one another.
The moon gradually withdraws, recedes, or fades out as the sun quietly breaks at dawn, to signal off the day. The day, which according to the natural order, is meant for man to work and earn his living.
Also at dusk, the sun gradually recedes, withdraws, or fades out as the moon quietly takes over to signal off the night. The night, which according to the natural order, is meant for man to sleep, to rest from his daily work or activities.
During this he receives necessary pearls that nourish, and keep him radiant, strong, and healthy round the clock; that refresh, maintain, and protect his body, from many diseases; from wear and tears, premature aging, or death.
Besides, man receives healing, and other gifts during his sleep at night. Hence the saying ‘The Lord gives to His own in their sleep.’
The day breaks punctually and regularly at the exact time, gradually dispersing or dissolving the darkness as the night gradually recedes with its ally darkness.
Thus the night transits gradually into twilight, and it increasingly brightens until the darkness tapers or tails off, and the day breaks fully, in strict accordance with the order in Nature.
Also, the plant world is a picture of order as all plants naturally comply with the order in Nature, unless man tampers with them arbitrarily.
So also the earth, air, and water.
Also, a seed of corn sown germinates, grows, blossoms, and ripens into cobs, each containing multiples of seeds, obeying the definite natural order or Law of Sowing and Reaping.
The order is the seed punctually germinates, grows, blossoms, fructifies, ripens, decomposes, and returns to the original seed for a new cycle at regular intervals.
Other plants existing side by side, in harmony with the corn, likewise follow the same pattern in compliance with the order in Nature, unless man disturbs the natural process.
Animals too voluntarily comply with the order in Nature. Unless they are disturbed by human beings. For instance, you will never see a goat, ram, dog, or chicken deliberately stay awake overnight. when they should be sleeping and resting.
But sadly, with human beings, the story changes. With the way we live on earth today, we have distanced ourselves from this order in Nature, with which all the other creatures swing effortlessly.
From the natural order, the foundation that upholds and sustains the entire Creation. The natural order that determines our good health and well-being or otherwise.
We disturb and disregard this order in Nature that was meant to ensure our well-being.
Contrary to the order that Nature stipulates to ensure our health and well-being, we have turned the day to the night and vice versa.
Now we choose to stay awake at night either to work, or indulge in pleasure, in enjoying, in feeding our wrong appetites and desires when we should be sleeping and resting from our daily work.
Conversely, we choose to sleep off during the day when we should be at work.
Hence the multiplicity of many strange ailments, and diseases defying cures, that are afflicting mankind everywhere on earth today, and the increasing cases of sudden death.