“Nigeria is indivisible”
This Ruling Class consensus, above, has become a magic mantra that the elites throw at any group suggesting that perhaps our indivisible country need some structural tinkering to make it a better indivisible entity.
I believe Nigeria is indivisible. I truly believe it. For many reasons, temporal and spiritual.
But Nigeria is not INDESTRUCTIBLE.
To prevent destruction, we must restructure it. Unfortunately, elites, especially political elites, persist in mistaking calls for restructuring of our indivisible union as a call for its dissolution. NOT TRUE.
It is incorrect, and a form of corruption to say blandly, as many political elites have been busy doing, that Nigeria is indivisible. It should not be by pronouncement or verbal gymnastics. It should be by unforced consensus, it must be because it is structured in such a way that ALL its constituent members will see that they are better off inside than outside of it.
First off, our present Constitution was not subjected to the rigors of referendum which is the ultimate test of the acceptance or rejection of any proposition as serious as the constitution of a country.
A few people were appointed to craft a constitution and they presented us with this unworkable document. If it is not serving us as we want, nothing stops us from amending or abandoning it altogether for another. We can not be a slave to our own tool. The Constitution was written to lay down ground rules for administering ourselves, if it’s not serving our purposes, we must not retain it for a day longer.
Moving forward by looking backwards
Nigerians are always obsessed with “moving the country forward”. But to move forward in this case, we must move backwards. .. to where we made the mistake and start over from there.
Constitutionally speaking, our point of departure into this error was the abandonment of the 1963 Republican Constitution in 1966.
There was really nothing so fundamentally wrong with that constitution. We never gave the constitution the chance to work as it was meant to work.
So we must return to the 1963 Republican constitution and start over from there. The present six geopolitical zones can replace the then 4 regions as the federating units. And we just take off from there. Making necessary adjustments.
No need to fear referendum
Those saying our unity can not be negotiated are just afraid…for …NOTHING. If a referendum is conducted today, balkanization of the country WILL BE DEFEATED. No one is seriously talking of balkanization as a FIRST option.
All those who appear to be angling for break up are only using that as a negotiating tactic, an opening gambit, so to say, a convenient fall back position, in case the ruling elites prove unable or unwilling or incapable (incompetence issues) of arriving at a just and equitable restructuring template.
When we restructure, we would bury once and for all this demon that has held Nigeria down all these years…wasting our time fighting each other rather than developing our Nation.
Until we do this, there will be no justice, and therefore no peace, and thus no development.
Why is this so difficult to grasp and act upon?
If our elites can not cobble up an elite consensus to create a Nation out of our country, it would be proof of incapacity, and historical betrayal of the Black Man.
The magnificent seven
For inspiration, We do not have to look to any foreign thinkers. The black man has enough progenitors to look back upon and emulate. Through our long history, the Almighty always sent us people to lead us out of our mental doldrums.
But we have never welcomed them, we sometimes collaborate with other races to give our rescuers a short end of the rope. But it is okay. If the world views of the following seven are not being studied in our universities, the very least we can do is to find ways to incorporate their teachings into our National Strategic Studies. This will give our National discourse a much needed breadth of vision and depth.
These notable leaders of the Black man are as follows : Marcus Garvey, Emperor Haile Sellassie I; Malcom X, Martin Luther King Jnr, Nelson Mandela, Kwame Nkrumah, and finally that music avatar, Bob Marley.
Our educators and mobilization leaders should do a thorough study of the world view; and the words of these leaders, distill them and find ways of making these known around the Black world.
Their thoughts should be the foundation on which our Philosophy of government must hinge. The wide and broad Vision exhibited by all of them should be the template for a philosophy of governance throughout the Black world.
That is only the first part of the historic duty of Nigerian elites today. Lead with material thoughts to guarantee physical survival of the race.
The second part involves something more sublime : to transcend the physical kingdom that these thought leaders preached, and go ahead to the main thing, the spiritual. That is what will guarantee the real survival of the Black man. Or else…
The black man may disappear
If we do not muster just this little effort, that is, to look to our heroes to formulate a philosophy of governance for the Black man, if we continue in a non-strategic manner, watching the other major races running ahead on full cylinders, the Black Race may go the way of the dinosaurs. To become a footnote to the history of the human spirit in this planet.
This will of course not happen from one decade to the next, but it certainly will, possibly over the course of centuries. And that will be a great sin by all concerned against the spirit. Because every human race, the three principal divisions of the human race that has come into existence that is, have a reason for being. Any disappearance of any of them would be a result of monumental neglect, such as the Black race, led by Nigeria, is exhibiting now.
We must do all we can to avoid this fate.
Book of Truth as Solution, and Salvation
The solution is to get serious, get knowledge, and live according to that True knowledge. It is a challenge for the ruling classes of Nigeria. To, as a group, spearhead the rebuilding of Nigeria on eternal, universal Truths based on the Natural Laws of this Creation.
Luckily, such knowledge is available in earth today, in a book form, and also available in Nigeria. The elites just have to open their eyes, their inner eyes that is, and see and embrace the knowledge of Truth that is available around us in Nigeria at this time.
The principal duty of our elites today is not just the 2019 elections or Restructuring; or The Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), important as those are, but to vigorously search for the Book of Truth, the Book of Life, examine it critically, and make it the the basis on which we are going to continue running Nigeria.
It is an urgent responsibility. Time is running out.
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