My love with you all-ways

The Poet's Corner

By Aghogho Ayanruoh

I deeply wish that your life be sweet 
and beautiful. 
We all know it is not easy most times, 
yet I have learned that incredible things 
are made possible simply by the way we choose to think about them. 
I am an unshakable believer in possibility, because of the profound blessings of life, health and abundance, 
which pours into my life daily. 
You could call it faith 
and a quest for beauty. 
I feel obligated, 
and delighted to share with you 
what touches my heart. 
And when the words that flow through me occasionally meet your mind, 
and possibly speak to your heart as truth, 
then in that moment, 
my Calling is Full-filled. 
I have learned that when you reach to touch something beautiful, 
something beautiful reaches back 
and touches you; 
thus is the relationship between writers 
and readers. 
Thank you for this relationship that you 
and I share. 
I will continue to do my very best 
to always bring you what speaks to my heart…
My love with you all-ways.

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