- Double-digit growth in 2022
Investors who subscribed to the recently-concluded public offer by MTN Nigeria Communications (MTN Nigeria) will receive about N5.67 billion as cash dividends in their first return on investment.
Regulatory filing and reports analysed yesterday indicated a dividend yield of 5.07 per cent as return on investment for the emerging shareholders, a considerable return for investors who had bought into the company last December.
The Board of Directors of MTN Nigeria has recommended a final dividend of N8.57 per share for the year ended December 31, 2021, bringing the total dividend for the year to N13.12 per share.
The company has indicated that shareholders on the register of members as at April 6, 2022 will partake in the final dividend, including all allotted subscribers last December public offer. The dividends will be credited to shareholders’ bank accounts by April 28, 2022.
MTN Nigeria allotted a total of 661.25 million shares to new shareholders under its last December public offer. The offer, with initial size of N97.18 billion, recorded a subscription of N135.53 billion, representing an oversubscription of 39.5 per cent.
The dividend recommendation highlighted the impressive performance of the telecommunication company, which recorded 45.5 per cent growth in net profit in 2021.
Key extracts of the audited report and accounts of MTN Nigeria for the year ended December 31, 2021 showed that gross revenue increased by 23.3 per cent to N1.7 trillion. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) grew by 27.9 per cent to N877.1 billion with EBITDA margin increasing by 2.1 percentage points to 53.0 per cent. Profit after tax rose by 45.5 per cent to N298.7 billion, implying earnings per share of N14.67. The underlying business fundamentals showed that while mobile subscribers decreased by 8.0 million to 68.5 million, active data users increased by 1.7 million to 34.3 million.
Also, active fintech subscribers rose by 4.8 million to 9.4 million.
Chief Executive Officer, MTN Nigeria Communications (MTN Nigeria) Plc, Karl Toriola said the company is focused on building on the platform of success laid in 2021.
According to him, the return to positive subscriber net additions in fourth quarter 2021 established a solid basis for growth in 2022 as the group ramps up gross connections through its rural connectivity drive and CVM initiatives. As part of its rural connectivity programme, MTN Nigeria plans to connect approximately 2,000 new communities in 2022.
He noted that in line with the accelerated growth being seen now, the company expects service revenue growth of “at least 20 per cent” over the medium term.
He pointed out that iIn delivering on the service revenue growth guidance, the company will continue to focus on capital expenditure (capex) efficiencies, margin expansion, operating cashflow growth and improving returns to shareholders.
“We are seeing structurally sustained data growth. As a result, we are investing in network and information technology infrastructure, and have secured the relevant frequencies to meet the higher demand. This involves accelerating the expansion of our 4G coverage and providing home broadband to capture a significant share of market growth.
“We will commence the initial rollout of 5G services once the acquisition process is completed to further deepen broadband penetration in Nigeria, enhance customer experience and unlock new revenue streams.
“We have made significant progress with our super-agent licence, expanding the agent network across the country. However, as the business transits to MoMo PSB once the final approval is obtained, we remain focused on developing the range of additional services we can offer customers to drive digital and financial inclusion.
“We will sustain our drive for cost management across the business through our expense efficiency programme and strengthen our operations and financial position to unlock efficiency and support margins. Although the availability of foreign exchange remains a constraint, we strive to minimise its impact on the business,” Toriola said.
MTN Nigeria had offered 575 million ordinary shares of 50 kobo each to the general retail investing public at a price of N169 per share. Application list for the offer had opened on December 1, 2021 and it closed by 5.00 pm on December 14, 2021, as scheduled.
Allotment details provided by MTN Nigeria last week indicated that additional 86.25 million shares were added to absorb oversubscription, in line with the provisions of the offer which allowed the issuer to absorb additional 15 per cent of subscriptions.
A breakdown showed that all retail shareholders received full allotment despite the oversubscription while institutional shareholders under the book building phase were pro-rated as a result of the oversubscription.
In a major boost for financial inclusion and gender equity, a total of 114,938 new accounts from new market participants were created at the stock market while approximately 76 per cent of successful applicants through the digital platform were women, with 85 per cent of these under age 40.
Valid applications were received for 801.97 million shares, leading to the activation of the approved 15 per cent oversubscription clause of an additional 86.25 million of MTN Nigeria shares. In all, 661.25 million shares were allotted.
A total of 126,720 retail investors submitted valid applications and received full allotment; and institutional investors including pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers, corporates, and foreign portfolio investors that participated in the bookbuild were allotted 72.09 per cent of their applications. These include Nigerian pension funds representing approximately 6.5 million Nigerian contributors.
With the successful completion of the offer, MTN Group’s shareholding in MTN Nigeria reduced by 3.25 percentage points, from 78.83 per cent to 75.58 per cent.
In line with the innovative incentive structure of one free share for every 20 purchased, subject to a maximum of 250 free shares per investor, an additional 4.28 million shares will be allotted to qualifying investors who hold the shares allotted to them for 12 months till 31 January 2023.
The MTN Nigeria’s public offer set record as the first to be delivered through a digital platform, thus facilitating maximum participation by investors. Investors were able to submit applications through the issuing houses, stockbrokers, banks and online through a unique digital application platform, PrimaryOffer, administered by the NGX.
MTN Nigeria indicated that more than 89 per cent of retail offer subscribers applied through the PrimaryOffer platform through mobile and web.
Chief Executive Officer, MTN Group, Ralph Mupita said the group was pleased that the offer gave so many Nigerians the opportunity to become owners of MTN Nigeria.
“With over 6.6 million Nigerians directly or indirectly becoming shareholders in MTN Nigeria, the objective of broadening the shareholder base, and creating shared value has been achieved. We are proud that our offer was the first Nigerian public offer to use the digital application platform, PrimaryOffer, which enabled wider investor participation across Nigeria.
“We thank the Nigerian authorities for their support of this offer. We remain committed to playing our humble role in driving digital and financial inclusion in Nigeria over the medium,” Mupita said.
The Nation