
Image result for motherhood

By Kemi Ajiboye

Women are called to this difficult task… We are called to prevent the giant pile of children’s laundry from overtaking the house; cook meals, etc but most importantly, we are given the eternally significant duty to bring our children up in discipline and instruct them in ways that will positively impact their life and the world, it can be a tiresome undertaking.

Mothers, you have been entrusted with a huge responsibility; don’t lose your focus; take great care of your children; they are the future. Our collective errors in mothering care impacts the world profoundly… what you see today is the consequential work of yesterday, let’s contribute positively to creating a better world.

Some are so preoccupied with the superficials; enormous financial success; the materials; their appearances; WHAT The Jones will think to the detriment of care of their children, their priority is flawed.

Some are wearing their children’s future in the guise of fashion and “Aso Ebi”; excessive partying and the likes, the children’s diet, education and other important positive investments are secondary.

A saying goes, “Judge your success or what you give your topmost priority to by what you have to give up to get it. My question is, Is it your children’s future?

Admit and confess your Mothering failures to God, the Creator of All in prayers and to your children, critically examine yourself, identify and genuinely work on your flaws. In doing so, you set an example for your children and of course the process of cleansing, renewal and reconciliation starts.

Some Fathers are the best mother on earth. On this Mother’s Day, I salute you all…

Fathers who were the first person to hold or perhaps the only person to hold and care for their child/children because the Mother died or were lost in other ways. Such fathers give the best possible comforts beyond their capacity, they sacrifice all, careers; the stereotype of what a man is supposed to be instead carrying children on their back like a woman; everything that counts for a good mannish lifestyle etc. If compassion and sacrifice defines a Mother, these Fathers dominates that category.

Aso o ki npe gbo, eyi ti a ba fi pamo la nri mu wo rode. Awon Agba kan ni ile adu lawo wipe, ka fowo pamo ka fi toju Omo; eni a ra aso loja, ola a ra aso loja; ijo ti a baku laso segbe Omo ni ka ra. Owo ta ba fi pamo ta fi toju Omo, ohun la fi ra Omo.

May God Almighty surround us always with His presence, be our strength in times of Motherhood weakness, Edumare a ko wa moose, Amin, ASEE….

Happy Mother’s Day…

Love and Light always.

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