Saheed, the second son of the late human rights lawyer, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, in this interview speaks about the last moments of his late brother and activist, Mohammed, who died on August 11 at the age of 52
Many Nigerians knew your late brother as a lawyer and an activist. How else would you describe him?
My brother was a very grand man who was very principled, consistent, firm, charming, disciplined and very uncompromising in every facet of his life, and especially when it came to national issues. He lived a very decent life. He died with clean hands. He would always tell me a man exists for himself, his family, his community and ultimately his country. So, on all fronts, I would say he displayed very sterling attributes and one could not search for a better role model. As his younger brother, he was everything to me; he taught me everything I know in this world since we were adolescents and I leaned on him for his counsel and support. For me, he was my best friend, my brother and we had 51 glorious years together. I respect and regard him highly.
As the head of the Fawehinmi family in the absence of your late father, what kind of leadership did he provide?
He united the family, not just the immediate family of my late father but also the extended family because my father loved family and even extended family. My grandfather had 17 wives, over 23 concubines and over 50 kids. My dad’s mother was, I think, the 11th or 13th wife and being the most prominent Fawehinmi and the most successful, he embraced all his siblings, his late father’s widows and the extended family he took care of. So, my brother took a whole lot of responsibility from my late dad and dispensed of it veritably. In fact, he took it to another level; when some of his family (members) talk about him now, they say the things he did for them and how he supported them either through means material or counsel. I am still in awe because he never told me most of what he did. He just did them in his own way.
It’s a common belief that many prominent families are embroiled in one internal disagreement or the other over the property of the late patriarch. Would you say he was able to forestall conflict in the Fawehinmi family?
You cannot ruin the reputation of a great man, let me put that out there first and foremost. People would just make a statement like, “What a pity his son or daughter is behaving that way”. They make that statement because it is an anathema to a great man’s character. I don’t believe the child of a great man can ruin his sterling qualities. Society would only be surprised that the great man’s offspring would display that kind of behaviour. We are lucky we don’t have conflict in our family because there is ranking. My father governed the home with a strong hand and there was respect. So, after my father’s death and my brother took over, everybody knew there was ranking and everybody fell in line. That is why you never really heard of me; I never issued press statements or talked to the press when my brother was alive because he commanded the family. My dad also left a will and his wishes are being followed on the side of the family. We are very respectful of those things.
Many described the late Mohammed as a chip of the old block. Can you share how he displayed the personality of your late father?
He was selfless. He was always on the side of the masses and the downtrodden. Even in a wheelchair, he took up national issues that men standing on their feet were afraid to do. He and my mother started the rally against the increase in the petrol price regime from N65 to N141; alongside that rally, students of Lagos State University came to them and said they needed their intervention on the increase of their school fees. They (my late brother and mother) organised a rally with the Nigerian Labour Congress and civil society. The late Yinka Odumakin also attended the preliminary meetings where the rally was planned. The rally started from Archbishop Vining (Memorial Church) and (they) walked all the way to Gani Fawehinmi Park in Ojota. He was also one of those proponents that were adamant and participated annually in the pilgrimage to the late MKO Abiola’s house; he went religiously every year with so many other Nigerians to make sure the June 12 issue, which President (Muhammadu) Buhari recognised, was actualised.
Amongst other things, his voice was involved in the N33, 000 minimum wage with the NLC. He also sued the government to be sensitive to the plight of persons with disabilities and he got his way because the courts now have ramps for people in a wheelchair because prior to now, he used to be carried to court when he had legal matters.
Despite the semblance to your late father, were there things unique to him?
He was just wholly a chip of the old block. He was confident, determined and fearless. The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. In Yoruba, we say, “Ekun ni Ekun n’bi,” interpreted to mean a lion can only birth a lion. So, if his father was a coward, he would probably have been a coward.
The late Mohammed was a UK-trained lawyer but he had a childhood ambition of becoming a soldier, a dream your late dad did not support. Did his encounter with your late dad affect your career choice?
No. But that (ambition of becoming a soldier) shows you his fervour to serve his fatherland. We have to respect our armed forces that face danger trying to secure this country. It’s just that things are not done right at the top. But whoever signs up to fight for a country I believe must be respected because that’s the ultimate price you can pay for your nation. That goes to show you how courageous he was. I think he was probably 13 or 14 as of the time he wanted to join the armed forces.
Where were you at the time he suffered a spinal cord injury that confined him to a wheelchair until his death?
I was working in New York City (in the United States) when I got the news and then I subsequently flew to the UK where he underwent an operation, just to give him moral support. Everybody was crushed, my family was devastated. After the operation, they gave him a 50-50 chance of walking again to the extent that he could get a very good physiotherapist and how his body system could revert to its normal state.
He said in 2018 that a surgeon in the UK, where he was later flown to for treatment told him he would have been able to walk a week after the accident if a special spray valued at N8, 000 in 2003 had been used on the affected area in Nigeria. Did that tell you anything about Nigeria’s healthcare system?
Yes, he would have been able to walk. It is a shame that we are losing a lot of people because of the corruption in this country. What needed to happen was that after that C4-C5 cessation in his spinal cord was N7, 500 steroids to stabilise the area, pending the time he would get to a hospital for a surgeon to do the operation for him to be on his feet after that. But the hospital (in Nigeria) didn’t have the N7, 500 product. He had to suffer in a wheelchair for 19 years in pain because he was on pain medications every day. The doctor described to me how it (the pain) felt and that was when I knew how strong an individual he (Mohammed) was because he wasn’t the kind of person that showed pain or asked for pity. He always put up a brave front. But the doctor said the pain was like pouring hot water into a syringe and injecting it into a person’s veins; he said all the pain medications he used were vital. At that time, he always had spasms – his legs would always shake uncontrollably in his wheelchair when he felt cold. When it was hot, he felt cold and when it was cold he felt hot, so his body was tuned by that accident. But then we still had this man in a wheelchair fighting courses for the common man and not selling out like others. I’m most proud of my brother because he never compromised; he could not be bought. He called most of the bad political actors by name, not caring whose ox was gored. He died with clean hands and the level of adulation he is getting is almost at par with what my dad got upon his death. Although I miss him dearly, he lived a good life. He left a legacy and a good mark.
Your late brother continued his legal practice despite being in a wheelchair. Was he advised against going to court and the rigours therein?
No. his mental faculty was intact. The first time I followed him to court, he went in like a generalissimo with a baritone voice marshalling his points. He was excellent when it came to oratorical prowess.
He was in a relationship before the accident but had to tell the lady to marry someone else and wasn’t married until his death. How easy or difficult was it for him to do that?
I knew that particular lady. I came back (from the US) in 2002, met the lady and my jaw dropped – beautiful, great character, wife material and a woman of every man’s dream. She was the kind of girl that would make one grateful that one was born a man. She was very fond of him and when he had the accident, she kept on coming. He told me she wanted them to get married but he told her taking care of someone in his state was not an easy thing. When I asked him why he did that, he said he didn’t want anyone to start grumbling after some time because it was not easy taking care of a quadriplegic and that he had to send her away to find someone else. He said he didn’t want pity and didn’t want someone to complicate her life. He said since the doctors had given him a 50-50 chance of getting on his feet in the future, he would wait for that time and when the time came, he would walk down the aisle with the one God ordained. He was always very determined and confident that one day, he would stand up; he said it almost every time, but you know man proposes, God disposes. He was not someone one could convince once he made up his mind.
But as the first son of the family, did he tell you how worried he was about not having a biological child?
Yes. He wanted children. My children always called him their second daddy and he had a nickname for all the children of his siblings and extended family. He was just great with children and I believe if he did have children, he would have been a wonderful father. Evidently, it wasn’t meant to be, I guess.
Did he adopt any child?
He was responsible for sending at least 10 people to school on his account. Some had come to work with him. I remember one of them, a young man, who said he couldn’t go to school because his family was poor. But my brother encouraged him to go to school and gave him a six-month ultimatum to take an entrance examination, pass it or cease to be his employee. That was the kind of person my brother was.
Was he encouraged later on to get married so he could have someone to take care of him and keep him company?
Yes, my mother tried several times; she sent me to him and I told him but he said no. I know he had a lot of female admirers.
Did he give the same reason?
Yes, it was the same reason. There is nothing hidden here. I am telling you as it is. Even when some of our uncles wadded in, he told them the same thing. He didn’t want anybody to complicate things for him. In fact, some of them (uncles) had even offered to select a lady and bring to him that all he had to do was to father a child but he declined.
How did your family react when the autopsy report revealed that he died from COVID-19-related complications?
He died on August 11 and I returned on August 15. We spoke with the doctors in the hospital where he was and based on their professional statements, that was what they arrived at. We were shocked that we lost him; the way he died is immaterial. If me being shocked that he died of COVID-19 would bring him back, I would shock myself every day. It (his death) was sudden and sad. This was a man that was supposed to grow old.
What was your last conversation with him?
I called him every day from the US on WhatsApp. I spoke to him on the Sunday before he died and he was hale and hearty and at 9am on Wednesday, I was told he passed away. But I got updates on the situation, for example, when he complained about breathing difficulty and they called for an ambulance up till the moment he was rushed to a hospital. We were hoping and praying. I challenged God; I had never challenged God before. I told God to spare my brother’s life and in the morning when it (death) happened, when they told me, I was really angry and I questioned God, asking Him why He had to take my brother. My brother had no bad bone in his body. He wished everybody well; even when one made a mistake, he would never cast the person down but lift them. There are very few people like that in this world; it’s not just because he is my brother. Anybody who knows Mohammed Fawehinmi would tell you the same thing. But when it came to national issues, he was very unsparing because we (Nigerians) were the laughing stock in the international community and we deserve better than what we are getting now.
Did he tell you what he hoped to see Nigeria become before he passed on?
From my late dad to him, the fight was for a better society where we would be seen in the comity of nations with respect. Nigeria is now seen as the poverty capital of the world. We are not a manufacturing or industrialised country. All the countries we started with way back in the 60s have gone past us. If you consider what Obafemi Awolowo did in the (old) Western region alone, all the governors in Nigeria since the First Republic, all the presidents could not all accomplish what that man did. I judge every political office holder by Awolowo’s standards and none have even come one-millionth of what that man achieved. The free education he introduced was mandatory. But who cares these days? What people-oriented programmes are the political actors bringing?
Did your late brother share with you his feelings about the state of affairs in the country under the President, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.)?
He was disappointed. He was heartbroken; I had a conversation with him and he was heartbroken. At the time when the President recognised MKO Abiola, the security situation had not been this dire. At that same event, my illustrious dear father was also awarded the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger and my brother went with my mother to receive that posthumous award. I remember him thanking the President for recognising June 12 and described Buhari as of that time as the most sensitive head of state. Towards his death, he (Mohammed) told me, “Saheed, isn’t this man (President) making me look like a liar now? Can you see what he’s doing now? He can’t rein in on the insecurity in the country.”
In his absence, the responsibility of leading the Fawehinmi family has fallen on you. How much of a task is that to you?
If I could have the power to wake him up, I would tell him to come back and take it (responsibility). Some things happened where I expected that if I were in his position, I would have lost it or blown my top but he kept his cool. He took a lot of insults gracefully and reciprocated with love. When I asked him why he did that, he said, “Look, when I’m coming in my next life, I will come as the last-born (child).” (Laughs) But he told me that was how it was supposed to be. Some of those people (who insulted him) cried their eyes out more than me, his brother, because they felt guilty about the way they treated him when he was alive.
My brother taught me everything. I now see myself as a complete man. He taught me how to process things. As a youngman then, I didn’t understand life so he taught me that for every situation, there was always a process. He taught me how to keep an even temperament. He had nerves of steel. He taught me how to keep my chin up in the face of adversity. He taught me diplomacy; he was highly diplomatic. He taught me how to even talk to women when I started dating girls.
How does the Fawehinmi family intend to immortalise him?
That is something that will be done at the right time.
The Punch