By Lily Rose
“MASCULINITY” refers to the behaviours, social roles and relations of men within a given society as well as the meanings attributed to them. The term masculinity stresses gender, unlike male, which stresses biological sex. Thus studies of masculinities need not be confined to biological males.
First, the masculine balances the feminine! Both in Energy, Living and non living things. Positive and Negative, Electric and Magnetic, Passive and Active, Male and Female etc. Both must comply with the principle of unification, only in union can there be new forms!
Humans as split species need each other for balance, where the woman plays the passive role, the man plays the active role. Man\’s role is to physically protect the woman who plays the complementing role of giving spiritual support to the man for him to conquer the material without forgetting or losing his spiritual essence.
His existence gives the feminine the grounding, physical protection that she needs to operate on earth as a woman, so she does not just float or be distracted from her role by fear of physical harm. This balance, generated by both, creates a Harmonious ripple effect on their immediate environment.
Gender role is ordained by nature! and not some cultural role sharing as most school of thoughts put it. Even in same sex relationship, this difference in role is recognised to prevent clash or disharmony, one plays the active/masculine role while the other plays the opposite.
Due to this difference in nature, both specie gravitate towards the role they find affinity, which does not adversely affect their nature but uplifts it. There are exceptions to this as we see today, and this is mainly due to the distortion of the souls that switched roles at some point of their existence. Anything that is unnatural is unhealthy and can not bring harmony.
Very few women respect the role of the man beyond what he puts on the table. Most men immediately lose their pride as soon as their income is affected. Who respects the man without money? Today it is M = M, Man = Money. Even in the midst of men, the guy without cash maintains a low profile. Some women only remember to be nice and respectful to their men when they need money, they cook his favourite meal, flirt with him etc. Most men lose their balls as soon as the pockets go flat.
A real woman will give a genuine man his due respect, money or no money. He is the king here on earth, the physical is his domain as the psychical is hers! He is specially created to handle the coarse nature of the physical. His strength of character, integrity, faithfulness, severity even his physical strength will command this from any and every woman. What woman will not bow to a man who isn\’t interested in her body but her inner content?
Many men have lost form and can no longer be called Man! The signs of this emptiness is what we see today, Money does not make a man! but his God given virtues which also attract abundance in all things.
Most men today only know how to use their fist, take advantage of women who do not have physical protection, using the material as bait they defile women!
You men harm yourselves! You lose connection with your essence with every thoughts of defilement you direct at woman.
The woman draws, attracts, takes in Energy and in everything, your conquest to lay every woman is nothing but a miscalculated suicide mission. She psychically drains you in every intercourse if you do not love her and it is that love that protects you when she becomes a danger to you! You lose so much and both are dragged down into Darkness and may never find your way back to the Light!
Be the Man, the King here on earth and all will bow to your inner strength, integrity, wisdom and nobility. May you find the strength that is already within your souls!